Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Top 10 of 2018: Top 10 Books I Wish I Had Read This Year

Today is the first day of this great event and if you're like me today's topic is one that I think about every single year at this time. Books that I didn't have time to read but really really wanted to. Yep we are talking about those books today.  If you would like to join in this great event, it's hosted by KimberlyFaye Reads. 

For the rest of 2018, every day I'll be posting about bookish bests from the year. Each day has a new exciting topic and I hope you will join me every day to see what that day's topic is. Anyway, let's get going with today's. 

Like I said above I'm sharing my top 10 books that I really wanted to read this year, but sadly didn't have a chance to do so. This first set are 2018 releases that I didn't get to. These were my anticipated reads and will be some of my first reads of 2019! 

Girl of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan

I mean look at this cover, I've been dying to get my hands on it and devour this book, but sadly like I said above I just didn't have time to. Sometimes us booklovers want to grab all the books and just love them all, sadly there isn't enough time to get to all of them. Even though I wish there was. There seriously needs to be built in extra days in the year to just sit and read.

Yep this one's on my list too! I can't believe I didn't get to this one. This is the one book that everyone was talking about and I really really really wanted to get to, but there just wasn't enough time.

 Amber & Dusk by Lyra Selene

This one makes me really sad, because I have an ARC of this one. So many releases and so little time. This one falls under that catagory! 

 The Cruel Prince by Holly Black 

This book is going to be the first book I read in 2019! It's sitting on my TBR cart right now ready for me to pick it up and just jump into it's pages. I've heard so much about it and I can't wait to read it. I'll be honest though, the reason I waited to so long was because of it's hype. There was just too much and I knew I needed to wait or I wouldn't enjoy it. It's happened to me several years in a row, where everyone was talking about a book and I jumped on the bandwagon and ended up hating the book. So I figured I would wait a while, I didn't mean to wait the whole year.  

Witch Born by Nicholas Bowling 

Another one that I was dying to get my hands on, even recieved an ARC but didn't get the chance to read it. This cover is so pretty and the summary sounds amazing. This one will probably be my second read of the year or third, we shall see. 

Everless by Sara Holland 

This was my only pre-purchase of the year. Yep I pre-purchased this book and still didn't have time to read it. Shame on me! Anyway, the summary of this book is one that I'm dying to read. I wish I could just grab all the books and magically be able to read them all! 

Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire 

Now I know why I didn't get to this one, I was on a book hangover from the other two in this series and had to take a break. I didn't however mean to wait this long. So many amazing books were released in 2018. Again look at this cover!!

Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne 

I actually won an ARC of this one and it's been staring at me saying "Read me... read me!" No all joking aside, this was another one of those hyped books that I knew I would need to not read right away. Sadly that happens with me often, I see that after writing this post. Maybe I need to make a system of how long I'm willing to wait to read a book. Or somehow ignore the hype, though that's really hard being a book blogger. If anyone knows of a way to do this, let me know!

The last two books on my list are from my backlist! I had every intention of reading both of these this year, but things didn't go as planned. (One of these books is pretty large so that's probably why I didn't even pick it up. I plan to do so next year though. Hopefully!)

The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon 

This is the book that's rather large! Though I really should get over my fear of this and just jump into this book. I already have the second book in this series as well, so hopefully in 2019 I'll be able to finish this one!

Snow like Ashes by Sara Raasch

Now I purchased this whole series this year in the hopes to read these books, but again sadly not enough time for them all. I love the covers on this series. The summary sounds amazing as well. Have you read this series? If you have let me know if I should bump these books up in my tbr for 2019!

What books did you have on your must read list for 2018, but sadly didn't get to? Let me know in the comments below! (Or you can link me your post, I would love to see your top 10.) 

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