I wanted to share some of the amazing illustrations in this book with you, so here they are! Plus, make sure you check out the bottom of this post for a giveaway!!! I have some great bookmarks to giveaway.
I hope you enjoyed these beautiful illustrations! Now its time for the Giveaway. I am giving away 5 sets of bookmarks. I have 5 Alice in Verse ones and 5 Twilight Tales bookmarks to give to 5 lucky winners.
- Must be a US Resident
- Must be at least 13 years old
- Must be a follower of the blog
- Fill out the Raffle Copter
Its that simple! Thanks to everyone who enters, the giveaway will end one week from today! So next Friday, I will pick the 5 winners and the winners will have 48 hrs to contact me by replying to the email I will send out! Thanks to everyone who enters!!!
Just so you know what the bookmarks look like here is the pics of them!
Aren't they beautiful? I love them! Alright so if you want these, hurry up and sign up for the giveaway!!!
Katrina · 680 weeks ago
circustoybox 42p · 680 weeks ago
AlisBookshelf 69p · 680 weeks ago