Thursday, March 15, 2012

Review: Agents of the Reaper by William J. Barry

Review: Agents of the Reaper by William J. Barry 

IN A GLANCE: Agents of the Reaper is even better than the first book in this great series. This book is filled with great characters and a fantastic plot! A great middle grade read!

Title: Agents of the Reaper (Sebastian and the Aferlife book 2)
Author: William J. Barry
Publisher: TWCS Publishing
Date Published: February 9th 2012
Format: Ebook (provided by the publisher)
ISBN #: 9781612130934
Buy This: Amazon * TWCS *

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. ~Edgar Allan Poe

Sebastian, a seventeen-year-old boy in the spirit realm, is now training to be an agent of the Grim Reaper. He and his friend Onyx will need all of their new training and special powers as the soul pirates threaten the realm once again. Brocku has obtained the Oblivion Gate, and Axis Red begins to execute a plan more devious than ever.

Sebastian’s lingering concerns for Sarah and his troubled sister Kristen are put on hold when he is thrown into a perilous situation. A special team of agents must join together for a mission that even they might not survive.

At the same time, Sebastian’s friends are busier than ever. Onyx is still searching for a way to express her feelings for Sebastian. Jack is battling through his brother’s surreal dreams to reach him, and Patricia receives a new job in the realm.

In the battle between good and evil, just because you can face your fears doesn’t mean you can overcome them. Join Sebastian and his friends, as their adventure becomes darker and more dangerous than ever!


I absolutely love it when we as readers get to see an author grow in his craft, that's exactly what I saw in Agents of the Reaper, the second book in the Sebastian and the Afterlife series.  William J. Barry takes his Sebastian and the Afterlife characters to new heights in the second book of this series.

In Agents of the Reaper, our main character Sebastian is kidnapped by the Soul pirates, but he's not alone.  Sid, one of the professors at the school, is with him.  Will they be saved? Or will all be lost?

(Come on you all know me better than that, I give no spoilers! Well I at least try not too!)

I really enjoyed reading these great characters stories and just like the author grew so did his great characters.  I love how Sebastian is very protective of the ones he loves and has left behind.  I also really liked how he knew he must let Sarah go and move on with her life, even when its really hard for him to do! In this aspect the book seems so real, when someone dies that we love and care for deeply, we dont want to move on.  We want to hold tight to that love.  I love how these books depict that emotion, but at the same time shows how we need to move on as well! 

I can't wait to see what comes next in this series and from this wonderful author.  

My Recommendation: 

I will stick with my recommendation from the first book in this series for this one as well.  This is a great read for a middle grader/teen!


Plot: 20/20
Characters: 18/20
Writing: 17/20
Creativity: 18/20
Cover: 10/10
Ending: 10/10

93 out of 100 = 4 Puppies

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