Monday, April 30, 2012

Ali Talks Live with K.B. Hoyle

Tonight I had the great pleasure of having K.B. Hoyle on the show and it was great getting to know her more and asking her all sorts of questions.  Now its your turn to listen to the show if you would like or read this amazing authors bio below as well.  

May's Theme!!!

Hey everyone, I have decided to start doing Theme Months here on Ali's Bookshelf.  These theme months will have to do with what I am reading and reviewing! Also Ali's Book Club will be reading a book in this theme as well each month.  (If you haven't signed up to read with us, you have till the end of today to do so! Sign up here!!) 

Alright so lets get down to it, May's Theme will be....

YAY! I'm so excited for this one... I have a lot of books with this genre and I can't wait to read them!!!  Here is what I plan to read this upcoming month!!!

Showcase Sunday!!! #1

Alright I'm not real sure why this didn't post yesterday seeing it was set too, but here we go!!! 

Since I'm not doing IMM anymore seeing as I am very against Plagiarism.  So my friend over at Books Biscuits and Tea has started this meme and I am defiantly going to be doing this post on Sundays!!!

Showcase Sunday, you get to show off what books you've got in the past week.  So here we go!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Review: The Brotherhood of Dwarves by D.A. Adams

Review: The Brotherhood of Dwarves by D.A. Adams


IN A GLANCE:  The Brotherhood of Dwarves is a fantastic Fantasy filled with lots of action and great characters!

Title: The Brotherhood of Dwaves
Author: D.A. Adams
Publisher: Seventh Star Press
Format: Paperback (given to me by the Publisher)
Pages: 220 Pages
ISBN #: 9781937929916
Buy This: Amazon * Seventh Star Press

Roskin, heir to the throne of a remote, peaceful kingdom of dwarves, craves excitement and adventure. Outside his own kingdom, in search of fortune and glory, he finds a much different world, one divided by racial strife and overrun by war. The orcs to the south want to conquer all dwarves and sell them as slaves. The humans to the east want to control the world's resources. Caught in the middle, Roskin finds himself chased by slave traders and soldiers alike as he discovers that friendship is the best fortune of all. Just when he thinks he has triumphed, an act of betrayal sends him into bondage. His only hope of escape is the faltering courage of a disgraced warrior whose best days are behind him.

Take A Break....Watch this Vid!!! The "LOL" Edition!!!

Okay, so yesterday I was on Facebook and I found this amazingly funny video every where, of course I shared it! But now I really want for you all to see this as well...So check out this funny video!

You all know I love Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James so I thought this would be a perfect video to post!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Review: The Maze Runner by James Dashner

Review: The Maze Runner by James Dashner

IN A GLANCE: Stunning, full of detail! The Maze Runner is so packed full of detail in the right ways that I couldn't get enough of the story. I saw every word play out in my head as if I was watching a movie!

Title: The Maze Runner
Author: James Dashner
Publisher: Delacorte Press Books for Young Readers
Published Date:  October 6th 2009
Format: Audio/Paperback
ISBN#:   0385737947
Buy This: Amazon * Barnes and Noble* Joseph Beth*

When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his first name. His memory is blank. But he’s not alone. When the lift’s doors open, Thomas finds himself surrounded by kids who welcome him to the Glade—a large, open expanse surrounded by stone walls.

Just like Thomas, the Gladers don’t know why or how they got to the Glade. All they know is that every morning the stone doors to the maze that surrounds them have opened. Every night they’ve closed tight. And every 30 days a new boy has been delivered in the lift.

Thomas was expected. But the next day, a girl is sent up—the first girl to ever arrive in the Glade. And more surprising yet is the message she delivers.

Thomas might be more important than he could ever guess. If only he could unlock the dark secrets buried within his mind.

Dystopian Survival Week: Would You Make It Through The Maze???

Dystopian Survival Week is here and I'm so very excited its my day to post!!! YAY!!!

But anyway, here is some information about this week before you can check out my challenge for today.  Dystopian Survival Week is hosted by Seeing Night Reviews and me.  All week we have different blogs posting challenges and talking about different topics that have to do with those Dystopian books that we love. (Links for each blog for the week is below at the end of the post)

My Challenge for you is:  
Would You Make It Through The Maze?

Now mainly all you have to do for my challenge is watch the vid below and find all the secrete letters, put them together to make up a sentence and when you got the sentence fill out the rafflecopter and put that sentence in where it tells you to.  Its that simple! Plus later on today I will be posting my review of The Maze Runner, which is the book that I am giving away.   That's right I'm giving away a copy of The Maze Runner!!!! Aren't you excited? I know I am.  So check out the vid and see if you can make it through the Maze!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

In Light....

In light of recent events, I have decided that here at Ali's Bookshelf, I will no longer be posting the feature In My Mailbox and will no longer be doing the Debut Author challenge both hosted by The Story Siren.  I'm not going to do a whole bashing post, because I believe there has been enough of that around, but the way I feel is that what she did was wrong! Plain and simple.  So that's why I'm going to be figuring out a different way to show you the books I get every week, maybe do a monthly book haul or something.  I'll figure it out no worries!

I just wanted to make sure you knew why this feature wasn't being posted anymore.  I hope you all understand my decision on this one!!

Thanks so much for your support!!!

Take a Break...Watcha Vid!!!

This will be a post that I will post every once in a while, sometimes we just need a break from all the reading, but don't worry I'm not going to move away from books that much.  Each of these video's are book stick around and see what you think.  I would love to know your opinions on each of these!!! 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ali Talks Live with Laura Braley

I am so excited about tonight's show! Tonight at 8 PM EST I will be chatting with author Laura Braley!!! Make sure you are around tonight for the chat and get to know this great and talented author. 

I'm so excited about tonight's Ali Talks Live! Tonight we have author Laura Braley with us discussing her story and well live as an author.I hope you all will join us for this weeks live chat!!!

Below is Laura Braley's bio as well, just in case you don't already know her. I hope you all have a great day and look forward to chatting with you tonight!

(Below is the widget where you can hear the whole show, enjoy!)

Dystopian Survival Week: Welcome!!

Hey everyone, I am so excited about this week and I know Kristen at Seeing Night Reviews is just as excited as me. As you all know I am co-hosting this week with Seeing Night Reviews!!!   I want to welcome each and everyone of you to Dystopian Survival Week!

Can you survive???

We have a great list of blogs for this hop this week, check out the schedule below:

April 23rd 
SNR - Will host the Dystopian Image Scramble Challenge (Giving away Insurgent)
Ali - Welcome to Dystopian Week Post

April 24
EM Castellan - Guess that Quote Challenge (Giveaway The Knife of Never Letting Go)
 (YA Book) - Government System in Dystopian Novels (Giving away Various Dystopian Novels)

April 25th
Ali - Would you make it through the Maze Challenge (Giving away The Maze Runner)
Pretty Deadly Reviews) - Hunger Games Theme (Giving away Hunger Games + Swag)

April 26th
Breath of Life Book Reviews) - Article 5 Theme (Giving away Article 5 + Post Card)
Book Lovin Mamas - Surviving the Caves Challenge (Giving away The Host)

April 27th
(One Book Per Week) - Woman/Girls in Dystopian Novel Theme ( Giveaway Blood Red Road)
Sharon Loves Books and Cats - The Hunt Challenge (Giveaway The Hunt)
SNR - Closing Announcements 

See what I mean about a full week of great posts and giveaways!! Make sure you don't miss any of these.  It is going to be a great week!!! 

I'm so excited about my post on the 25th, its going to be great!!! The Maze Runner is an amazing book and I want to know if you think you can make it through the Maze?? Also I'm giving away a copy of The Maze Runner. 
Alright time for me to go work on my challenge for you all, again I welcome you all to Dystopian Survival Week.  I hope you all survive!!! 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chit Chat!!! #1

Chit Chat!!!

This is going to be a new post for me, a discussion/topic post called Chit Chat!  This will be posted every week or at least twice a month.  This weeks topic is:   

A New Plan: Being a Nice Book Blogger.  

You may ask what does this mean? Ali is a nice blogger already, right? Well its my plan on being more social and getting to know more book bloggers.  I love all the book blogger friends I've made so far and would love to make some more so lets get down to business.

What does it mean to be "A Nice Book Blogger"?

Well in the world of book blogging you really have to be social or at least get to know some other book bloggers, comment on other blogs and use some kind of social networking. 

But after reading one of my blogger friends blog, I have a new plan of action.  (check out the blog post that inspired this post here) 

My New Plan is as follows: 

  • First off I am going to start hitting that share button and like button as much as I can on other blogs I read. (hitting that share button means a lot to bloggers and takes no time at all to do.) 
  • I'm going to start visiting at least one to two blogs I dont know a day and comment. 
  • If I like that blog that I comment on, I will follow that blog. If I really like the blogger and the style of the blog then I will follow that blog.  
  • Every time someone leaves me a comment on my blog, I will reply back and then go check out their blog and comment as well.  It's only fair!!! 
  • If I loved a review I found I will feature that blog on my weekly recap post on Mondays!   

So what do you think of my new plan? Is there anything else I could do to be a nice blogger?? What do you do??

On My Wishlist: (Kindle Edition)

On My Wishlist is a Meme hosted by Book Chick City.  

 My On My Wishlist includes books that are older and already out and ones that are brand new or not even out yet! So lets get to it.  Today I bring you 3 books that I am dying to get my hands on and are on my Kindle book list! (they come in other formats though)   I will be updating these when I get any of these books...

In this humorous love story from the author of Two-Way Street, an unlikely romance is the best sort of surprise—but the wrong secret can ruin everything. Kelsey’s not going to let one mistake ruin her life. Sure, she got kicked out of prep school and all her old friends are shutting her out. But Kelsey’s focused on her future, and she’s determined to get back on track at Concordia High. Isaac’s been kicked out of more schools than he can count. Since his father’s a state senator, Isaac’s life is under constant scrutiny—but Concordia High’s his last stop before boarding school, so Isaac’s hoping to fly under the radar and try to stay put for a change. When Kelsey and Isaac meet, it’s anything but love at first sight. She thinks he’s an entitled brat, and he thinks she’s a stuck-up snob. So it surprises them both when they start to fall for each other. Kelsey’s happy for the first time in months, and Isaac’s never felt this way about anyone before...But nothing’s ever completely perfect. Everyone has secrets, and Isaac and Kelsey are no exceptions. These two may have fallen hard, but there’s one thing that can ruin it all: the truth.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sela Blog Tour Giveaway!!!

Its time for a Giveaway!!!  Let's see what you have to do to enter.  

What's Up for Grabs...

1 Set of both Redheart and Sela by Jackie Gamber (Paperback)
2 Sets of both Redheart and Sela by Jackie Gamber (ebook).  

Review: Sela by Jackie Gamber

Review: Sela by Jackie Gamber

IN A GLANCE: Fantastic second book to this amazing series. Fast pasted and filled with tons of details and of course tons of dragons, makes this a must read!

Title: Sela
Series: The Leland Dragon Series
Author: Jackie Gamber
Publisher: Seventh Star Press
Date Published: March 16th 2012
Format: Paperback
ASIN #:  B007LD3L0U
Buy This: Amazon (The Kindle version is free today!!!) 

Peace was fleeting. Vorham Riddess, Venur of Esra Province, covets the crystal ore buried deep in Leland's mountains. His latest device to obtain it: land by marriage to a Leland maiden. But that's not all.

Among Dragonkind, old threats haunt Mount Gore, and shadows loom in the thoughts of the Red who restored life to land and love. A dragon hunter, scarred from countless battles, discovers he can yet suffer more wounds.

In the midst of it all, Sela Redheart is lost, driven from her home with only her old uncle to watch over her. As the dragon-born child of Kallon, the leader of Leland's Dragon Council, she is trapped in human form with no understanding of how she transformed, or how to turn back.

Wanderers seek a home, schemes begin to unfurl, and all is at risk as magic and murder, marriage and mystery strangle the heart of Esra. A struggle for power far older and deeper than anyone realizes will leave no human or dragon unaffected.

In a world where magic is born of feeling, where the love between a girl and a dragon was once transformative, what power dwells in the heart of young Sela?

Sela Book Tour

Today I am so excited to have a great author, Jackie Gamber's new book Sela as our tour today!!! I have a review for you all to check out, some of the amazing art work of Sela, plus I've got a awesome giveaway for you as well! YAY!!! 

We all love giveaways right, so you might want to stick around today and enter to win this amazing book!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Review: Kevin's Point of View by Del Shannon

Review: Kevin's Point of View by Del Shannon

IN A GLANCE: Simply put, Kevin's Point of View is a blast to read! It's written for children, but I adore this book!

Title: Kevin's Point of View
Author: Del Shannon
Publisher:  Flatiron View Books
Format: Paperback
Buy This: Amazon * Barnes and Noble*

Kevin Tobin is a relatively ordinary 12-year-old dealing with the aftermath of his father's death in a mountain biking accident near their home in Boulder, Colorado. To escape from his emotional turmoil, Kevin has developed his imagination into a dangerous foil and a powerful ally. While he antagonizes his sister through his superhero antics on an average Wednesday morning, his ability to escape inside a character's head become critical to his survival after his life is once-again turned upside down a year after his father's death. A mysterious package arrives in the mail, Kevin and his best friend are hunted down by a ruthless villain set upon world domination, and after enlisting Kevin's teenage sister and her pizza-delivery boyfriend in a battle for control over time itself, the secret of Kevin's whole existence is revealed to him by a source we never expected. Del Shannon's imaginative story, appreciation for the powers of family and the desire of young boys to both escape reality and prove themselves within it, and fast-paced, adventure-filled storytelling style make this a book with wide appeal for readers of all ages.

A New Add to my TBR List: Book Information and Tralier!

  Make sure you mark this one as a TBR. I am dying to get my hands on this one and read it!! Just check it out for yourself. 

Title: All These Things I've Done

In 2083, chocolate and coffee are illegal, paper is hard to find, water is carefully rationed, and New York City is rife with crime and poverty. And yet, for Anya Balanchine, the sixteen-year-old daughter of the city's most notorious (and dead) crime boss, life is fairly routine. It consists of going to school, taking care of her siblings and her dying grandmother, trying to avoid falling in love with the new assistant D.A.'s son, and avoiding her loser ex-boyfriend. That is until her ex is accidently poisoned by the chocolate her family manufactures and the police think she's to blame. Suddenly, Anya finds herself thrust unwillingly into the spotlight--at school, in the news, and most importantly, within her mafia family.

Waiting on Wednesday...

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where she spotlights upcoming releases.

This week I'm waiting on this amazing sounding book..

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Dog-yeah, we love those stupid creatures (especially Jupiter), don't we? So, Thank you. Please be patient with me as I figure myself out. (See how I snuck that in?) I'm adding to your list, because I'm guessing you might need some cheering up too.
(this quote is from an ARC so its not final)

 So that's a bit of a teaser into what I'm reading, now its your turn.  
Any way, I want to do something special with today's Teaser Tuesday so here it is, I did this once before and got some good responses so lets try again!!! 

One Person that leaves me a comment on this post today will win a prize!!! The best teaser that someone either leaves me a comment with a link to their teaser Tuesday post or leaves me a tease in the comment will win the special prize! 

So what are you waiting for, tease away!!! 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Ali Talks Live with D.A. Adams

I'm so excited about tonight's Ali Talks Live! Tonight we had D.A. Adams with us discussing his books and well live as an author. Thanks to everyone who listened in and asked questions and thanks so much to  D.A. Adams for joining us and chatting with us!!!!

Below is D.A. Adams bio as well, just in case you don't already know him. I hope you all have a great day and look forward to chatting with you tonight!

Tonight was a great show, if you missed it don't worry you can listen right now... just click that play button!!!

It's Monday...What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Journey!

This is a great post where I share what books I read last week and what books I'm going to read this week! So lets get started, shall we? 
Last Week I Read: 
Kevin's Point of View (Review will be posted tomorrow)
The Dragonfly Prophecy
Reviews Posted Last Week... 
(Click titles to read my reviews)

What I'm Reading Today...
Since I didn't get this one finished last week, I am still reading... 
Cricket’s on a self-imposed break from her longtime boyfriend—but she’s picked a bad week to sort out her love life. For one thing, her mother’s romance is taking center stage: After jilting two previous fiancés, her mom is finally marrying Dan Jax, whom Cricket loves. But as wedding attendees arrive for a week of festivities at a guesthouse whose hippie owners have a sweet, sexy son—Ash—complications arise:Cricket’s future stepsisters make it clear they’re not happy about the marriage. An old friend decides this is the week to declare his love for Cricket. Grandpa chooses to reveal a big secret at a family gathering. Dan’s ex-wife shows up. And even the dogs—Cricket’s old, ill Jupiter and Dan’s young, lively Cruiser—seem to be declaring war.
While Cricket fears that Dan is in danger of becoming ditched husband-to-be number three, she’s also alarmed by her own desires. Because even though her boyfriend looms large in her mind, Ash is right in front of her....

Sunday, April 15, 2012

In My Mailbox #20

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi @ The Story Siren

Alright, I know I haven't posted one of these in a few weeks so my pile is a little high.  Check out my vlog and see what I mean! 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Review: The Dragonfly Prophecy by Jacquelyn Castle

Review: The Dragonfly Prophecy by Jacquelyn Castle

IN A GLANCE: A little confusing in the beginning but turns out to be a pretty good read in the end!

Title: The Dragonfly Prophecy
Author: Jacquelyn Castle
Publisher: Class Act Books
Format: Paperback
Pages: 281
ISBN #:  193504883X
Genre: Young Adult
Buy This: Amazon

Seventeen-year-old Lexi Blane believed she was the creator of her own destiny. With a brilliant mind, a flawless boyfriend, and parents who would stop the earth from spinning for her, all was going according to plan.

But when her perfect world unravels into one she doesn’t know, it reveals the painful truth of her love, trust, and entire being. In the struggle to find her true self, Lexi learns she didn’t create her destiny – it created her.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Review: The Familial Witch by Bri Clark

Review: The Familial Witch by Bri Clark

IN A GLANCE: Bri Clark's The Familial Witch is a very detailed story all jam packed into a novela. Every part is so detailed that I could see everything as I read each word.

Title: The Familial Witch
Author: Bri Clark
Publisher:  Astraea Press
Format: Ebook
Tour group: Bewitching Book Tours
Date Published:  February 2011
Buy This: Amazon * Barnes and Noble

Lucien Lemione the clan leader of the feared and revered Eternals is faced with the ultimate betrayal. His second in command for two centuries has not only created the most grievous of offenses but also commissioned the creation of liquid silver. When poisoned by this toxin, an immortal suffers a fate much worse than death, frozen in an internal prison. After being wounded when found spying, he hides deep within the eerie woods that encircle the Triad Mountains. Desperate and in pain, he prays to an offended mother goddess for help. Her answer: a woman, but not just any woman. A witch.

After losing her entire coven at the hands of the Eternals, Aisleen is the last of her kind. She retreats from the world to Trinity Forest where she is giving the opportunity of a lifetime, or perhaps a test of principles. It’s there she discovers the man she heals is the Eternal that wiped out her people. Although she is bound as a healer, she could be creative in her revenge. Aisleen knows who and what Lucien his…but does not speak of it. There can be no future with Lucien for she can only be with a mortal man. Even if she wanted to be with him, can she forgive the man that caused the genocide of her people?

Lucien must act quickly for the survival of his clan is at stake. However, Aisleen’s ethereal beauty and emerald eyes keep pushing those thoughts far from his mind. Determined to find out what secret she hides, he prolongs his time with her. When his people need him most what will he choose…duty, desire, or will he make his own fate?

You can choose love but you can’t choose destiny.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Familial Witch Tour

Hey everyone, it is time for a great tour! Today we have the Familial Witch Tour.  So sit back and check out this wonderful book with me. Below is the information about the book and its great author.

Lucien Lemione the clan leader of the feared and revered Eternals is faced with the ultimate betrayal. His second in command for two centuries has not only created the most grievous of offenses but also commissioned the creation of liquid silver. When poisoned by this toxin, an immortal suffers a fate much worse than death, frozen in an internal prison. After being wounded when found spying, he hides deep within the eerie woods that encircle the Triad Mountains. Desperate and in pain, he prays to an offended mother goddess for help. Her answer: a woman, but not just any woman. A witch.

After losing her entire coven at the hands of the Eternals, Aisleen is the last of her kind. She retreats from the world to Trinity Forest where she is giving the opportunity of a lifetime, or perhaps a test of principles. It’s there she discovers the man she heals is the Eternal that wiped out her people. Although she is bound as a healer, she could be creative in her revenge. Aisleen knows who and what Lucien his…but does not speak of it. There can be no future with Lucien for she can only be with a mortal man. Even if she wanted to be with him, can she forgive the man that caused the genocide of her people?

Lucien must act quickly for the survival of his clan is at stake. However, Aisleen’s ethereal beauty and emerald eyes keep pushing those thoughts far from his mind. Determined to find out what secret she hides, he prolongs his time with her. When his people need him most what will he choose…duty, desire, or will he make his own fate?

You can choose love but you can’t choose destiny.

Monday, April 9, 2012

It's Monday...What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Journey!

This is a great post where I share what books I read last week and what books I'm going to read this week! So lets get started, shall we? 
Last Week I Read:  
Today I'm Reading
(I didn't get this book finished last week, so I'm going to try to finish it today!)

Cricket’s on a self-imposed break from her longtime boyfriend—but she’s picked a bad week to sort out her love life. For one thing, her mother’s romance is taking center stage: After jilting two previous fiancés, her mom is finally marrying Dan Jax, whom Cricket loves. But as wedding attendees arrive for a week of festivities at a guesthouse whose hippie owners have a sweet, sexy son—Ash—complications arise:Cricket’s future stepsisters make it clear they’re not happy about the marriage. An old friend decides this is the week to declare his love for Cricket. Grandpa chooses to reveal a big secret at a family gathering. Dan’s ex-wife shows up. And even the dogs—Cricket’s old, ill Jupiter and Dan’s young, lively Cruiser—seem to be declaring war.
While Cricket fears that Dan is in danger of becoming ditched husband-to-be number three, she’s also alarmed by her own desires. Because even though her boyfriend looms large in her mind, Ash is right in front of her....

Ali's Book Club: What We Will Be Reading in May!!!

I am so excited to get the book club started!!! So I have decided to start it up next month on the first.  I have already picked the book and the sign up form is complete so lets get this announcement going.  For the month of May we will be reading...

Humanity is all but extinguished after a war with partials—engineered organic beings identical to humans—has decimated the world’s population. Reduced to only tens of thousands by a weaponized virus to which only a fraction of humanity is immune, the survivors in North America have huddled together on Long Island. The threat of the partials is still imminent, but, worse, no baby has been born immune to the disease in over a decade. Humanity’s time is running out.

When sixteen-year-old Kira learns of her best friend’s pregnancy, she’s determined to find a solution. Then one rash decision forces Kira to flee her community with the unlikeliest of allies. As she tries desperately to save what is left of her race, she discovers that the survival of both humans and partials rests in her attempts to answer questions of the war’s origin that she never knew to ask.

Combining the fast-paced action of The Hunger Games with the provocative themes of Battlestar Galactica, Partials is a pulse-pounding journey into a world where the very concept of what it means to be human is in question—one where our sense of humanity is both our greatest liability, and our only hope for survival.

I hope you are as excited as I am, so here is the details for you!

We will start reading on May 1st, We will end reading and have a live discussion on Ali Talks Live on the 30th of May!!!! I think it will be a blast to talk about this book live with the ones that sign up!

There will be 10 spots open for bloggers, two spots are already taken, so they are filling up fast.  Make sure you fill out this form by April 27th, if you want to join in the fun.  Also please make sure, if you don't already, have your book by May 1st so you don't have to rush to catch up reading.  Once a week I will be posting some questions on the blog or on the Face book page and who ever answers fastest and first will get a prize.

Thanks so much and I hope you all have fun with this! I'm supper excited to read this one!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Hunter Moon Tour: Book Info and Excerpt

Book Information and an Except...

Title: Hunter Moon 
Author: Cait Lavender

Bawling cattle tore Shelby Flint from her bed. With lawyer fees to pay in her struggle to keep her ranch from the clutches of her greedy cousins, she couldn’t afford the loss of even one calf. When she sees a large wolf circling her cows, she aims and fires. While the wolf escapes, Shelby can’t seem to get away from her troubles when a marijuana grower sets up shop on her land, sabotaging her property and eventually coming after her.

Adding to that, a handsome game warden is poking his nose into her business and working his way underneath her skin. Shelby will have to fight harder than she ever fought before to keep from losing her heart and everything she ever loved.

Shelby Flint is a self-sufficient cowgirl and cattle rancher, but when a wolf goes after her calves, a man is murdered on her land and someone is sabotaging her property she can’t do it by herself any longer. In walks a handsome game warden, poking his nose in her business and working her way under her skin. Shelby will have to fight harder than she ever has before to keep from losing her heart and everything she ever loved.

Hunter Moon Tour

Today I am pleased to have this great tour on my blog.  Hunter Moon is by Cait Lavender if you don't know much about her, here is some information for you...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dystopian Survival Week: Sign Ups!!!

YAY! I'm so exctied about this.  I am co-hosting this event, Dystopian Survival Week! 

Dystopian Blog Hop Week
Week April 23rd – April 27

  Kristen from Seeing Night Reviews and I are hosting the first annual Dystopian Survival Week Hop.

Dystopian week is going to consist of hops and challenges through-out the week. Each blog will host a specific topic about dystopian themed topics or challenge they’d like their readers to do to enter their giveaways.


  Kristen @SNR - Will host a Dysopian Cover Challenge (Giving away Insurgent)
Ali (Me)  - Would You Make it Through the Maze (Giving away The Maze Runner)
 Kim (Breath of Life Book Reviews) - Article 5 Theme (Giving away Article 5 + Post Card)
Bekka (Pretty Deadly Reviews) - Hunger Games Theme (Giving away Hunger Games + Swag)
Reve (YA Book) - Government System in Dystopian Novels (Giving away Various Dystopian Novels)
Book Lovin Mamas - Surviving the Caves Challenge (Giving away The Host)

  • You must think of your discussion theme or challenge you would like on your own and email me once you’ve decided. I will add you to the list once I receive it.
  • Example: Themes should discuss something about specific dystopian novels, characters, worlds that have been created, anything dystopian related.
  • Example: Guess which quote this is from, word scrabble, anything that the blogger would have a blast in challenging the readers.
  • Giveaways should be of a dystopian novel of either the bloggers topic or any dystopian novel of their choice.
  • Giveaways can be books or book related items

Please email Kristen if your interested in being a hosting blog.
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Dystopian Survival Week
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Review: A Wedding Invitation by Alice J. Wisler

Review: A Wedding Invitation by Alice J. Wisler

IN A GLANCE: I was a bit disappointed when I read this one. The main character is so one dimensional and sometimes very unbelievably dumb.

Title: A Wedding Invitation
Author: Alice J. Wisler
Publisher: Bethany House Publishing
Format: Paperback
Genre: Adult Contemporary Fiction
ISBN #: 978-0-7642-0733-4
Buy This: Amazon * Barnes and Noble

After returning home from teaching English at a refugee camp in the Philippines, Samantha Bravencourt enjoys her quiet life working at her mother's clothing boutique in Falls Church, Virginia. When she receives an invitation to a wedding in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, she looks forward to reconnecting with her college friend. Instead her life collides with Carson, a fellow teacher and the man who broke her heart, and a young Amerasian refugee named Lien who needs Samantha and Carson's help to find her mother before Lien's own wedding. When the search for Lien's mother reveals surprising secrets from the past, Samantha must reevaluate her own memories and decide whether to continue to play it safe or take a risk that could change her life.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ali talks Live With Michele Richard

I'm so excited, it is that time.  The first Ali Talks Live is tonight!!! 

Tonight at 8 PM EST, I will be chatting with author Michele Richard about her new release Parasouls and about her life as a Author.  

On this post I will have the information on where you can call in and chat with us and then after its all over I will be posting the widget where you can listen to the whole chat.  Also you can check out Michele's Bio right here on this post as well.  

So I hope you are as excited as I am and will be joining us! 

Parsouls Book Tour: Book Information

I wanted to post the book information for you so you can see just what it is all about! Parasouls was just released yesterday. (April 3rd, 2012)

Born amongst the humans, yet not being one, the parasouls fight to remain hidden. Using the ancient tunnels and abandoned, buried basements as their homes parasouls live in the underbelly of society in their own world, they've created a world where they don’t need to pretend they’re normal. Their gifts remind them that they’re not. When you can produce electric blue flames from your fingertips, there’s no way to deny it. Damian McNamara built and rules the world they thrive in.

Angelique is the leader of a special team whose job it is to keep the “normals” from knowing of the parasouls’ existence. Her gift is also a curse, leaving her physically unable to touch another living soul without inflicting indescribable pain upon them.

The Parasoul Acquisition Control Taskforce hunts them for what they are.

Shane is the headhunter for the taskforce. Like Angelique, he’s never been able to touch anyone due to his gift of red and orange flames that singes the flesh of others.

The moment Shane and Angelique meet, the heavens open and connect their souls forever. So what happens when Shane finds himself trapped between the only thing he’s ever desired and his job? He has no choice but to deliver the one person who owns his soul over to his bosses, the government’s taskforce? Which side is the good, the bad, and the dictators?

They’re both in for a rude awakening.

Can love conquer all when you’re supposed to hate the one soul you cannot live without? How long can they fight the urge to give in to their connection? Can two parasouls on opposite sides find common ground and forge a future?

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