Friday, May 4, 2012

Gabriel Tour: Author Interview and Giveaway

Alright now its time to get to know this author a bit more and for you to be able to enter this giveaway!!! YAY! 


    Can you tell us something interesting about your writing process?
To begin with I have no real formatting to my writing process, I have tried to make up an outline, but never seem to be able to stick to it.  I know when I start a story where I want to go with it, but usually the characters lead my pen in different directions.  I then throw the outline away and play “follow the leader”.  I know it is not the accepted way to do things; then again, I have always done things my own way. 


What part of the writing process is the easiest/hardest for you?

Forming the characters is often the easiest for me, they just seem to happen for some reason.  The hardest is beginning the book.  I often have so many thoughts in my mind when I begin that I cannot decide where to begin, and it does have to start somewhere.  The story needs some form of platform to take off from, to give the reader direction.


Who is your favorite character (that you’ve written)?

Up to this point I would have to say Eden.  I love most of my characters, well maybe not the evil ones, but Eden seems to be special.  There are a few coming up in later stories of the Elven Chronicles who come a close second.


      Is there anything you’re working on now?

I am doing a lot of editing, and I am just starting to work on book 4 of the Elven Chronicles.  There is so much going on in my life at the moment that it is proving difficult to get it started, and book 5, 6, 7, and 8 are forming in my mind… my brain can only hold so much at one time.


  Where did the idea for your book come from?

I honestly have no idea.  I woke up one morning and started to write it. 


Are any of the characters inspired by someone in real life?

I try to keep people in my life separate from my writing.  Maybe unconsciously they do.

                 Do you follow a writing schedule, or just write whenever you get the chance?

I write whenever I get the chance, or the inspiration.  I have been known to get up in the middle of the night and start to write even.

                 Do you listen to music while you write, or do you prefer quiet?

I like to listen to music.  Sometimes the right song can lead you places you would have never gone in your mind.

Thanks so much MA Abrams for answering all my questions!!! It was great getting to know you through your answers.  Now its time to get to that giveaway!!! Below you will find a rafflecopter, fill it out for your chances to win...

 A journal set, they consist of a Gabriel journal, a pen set, and a bookmark.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Thank you so much for featuring Gabriel and the Elven Chronicles. I will be stopping in from time to time to answer questions and say hello to people!
Gale Nelson's avatar

Gale Nelson · 672 weeks ago

Thank you for this giveaway!
Great interview and thanks for the giveaway.
Great interview.
Wendy/books4me's avatar

Wendy/books4me · 670 weeks ago

thanks for a great interview. Great that so many ideas are floating around so more books can be written!

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