Hey everyone! I am so excited about today, I have a few great tour posts today...so make sure you stick around and check everything out today!!! So lets get started...first off we have Overkill Tour. Today I am posting a review of this amazing book, The authors info and some of the amazing artwork will be posted as well.
So how about we get started shall we? Below you will find the authors information and links to find him!
Author Bio!

300 tales published online or in print. He is the creator of creator of
Dack Shannon and the Majestic Universe, as well as the novels Hell Billy
(Bad Moon Books), Overkill (Seventh Star Press), Thrall (Seventh Star
Press), Tormentor (Lachesis Publishing), Hawg (Graveside Tales) and
Stronger Than Death (Snuff Books).
He has appeared in many anthologies, most recently Harlan County
Horrors from Apex Publications. Other anthologies include Deathgrip:
Legacy of Terror from Hellbound books; Blackest Death-Vol I from BDB;
the high fantasy epic Grimoire De Solace from iUniverse, the hardback
Cemetery Poets, Scary, Atrocitas Aqua from DDP.
Links: Seventh Star Press