Today I am very excited to post the first New Author Feature here on the blog. Today we have Day in the Life of a Writer with author K.J. Dahlen. Thanks so much for joining us today and sharing this great guest post, letting us get a glimpse into your life!
A day in the life of a writer…
Where to start, like anything at the beginning…
My day starts at around 4:30 am when my alarm clock goes off. After so long of getting up at that time of the day my body always gets me up that early whether I want to or not. The first thing on my mind is coffee. As the hot chicory blend fills the air with its sweet aroma my mind wakes up and I escape into another world for at least a little while.
I have several stories on my plate at the moment so it’s hard to pick the one I’ll be working on today. Mentally I go through where I am in the stories I have going and perhaps I’ll get inspired to pick up where I left off. Then something catches my interest and I know I’m off and running.
This morning I’m working on part two of a serial I’m planning called Ripples in Time. Isabelle Brockmere is using her father’s time traveling abilities to look for him and bring him home. He disappeared fifteen years ago leaving her and her mother to make it without him. Ripples in Time begins when Isabelle finds out her mother traveled forward in time by over a hundred years through a weird storm. Her father has taken nine trips back in time and she must follow his footsteps in order to find him. She also finds out what kind of man her father really is.
This book is going to interesting in more than one way. Isabelle has some lessons to learn about her father and she can’t change history by doing something that will send ripples of change through time.
That is but one part of my day. Presently I am editing a book for release by Xchyler Publishing called Phoenix Rising. I’m told it will be out sometime this summer. Phoenix Rising is a tale of intrigue when Olivia Lewis finds a plot to bring down the United States. She doesn’t know who she can trust to help her to stop the threat.
I’m lucky enough to be able to stay at home and write all day but I know that isn’t possible for a lot of writers. They have to work to pay the bills but if you are a writer you make the time to write. Sometimes it isn’t pretty but you always find the time.
My advice for future writers is to follow your dream where ever it will take you. Never give up.
As of today I have 18 books in print with five different publishers. I have three books coming out this year, possibly four and I’m waiting to hear on one more. I have three books almost ready to go out. I’m busy but happy. I love escaping into another world where anything can and often does happen. My first book came out in Dec of 2008 and I haven’t stopped since.
My books can be found on Amazon and Barnes and Noble under my pen name K.J. Dahlen. My publishers are Rogue Phoenix Press, Bucks County Publishing, Avalon( Now Amazon Publishing) Solstice and Xchyler Publishing.
Author Bio, Link, and Books
I live in a small town (population495) in Wisconsin. From my deck I can see the Mississippi River on one side and the bluffs, where eagles live and nest on the other side. I live with my husband Dave and dog Sammy. My two children are grown and I have two grandchildren. I love to watch people and that has helped me with my writing. I often use people I watch as characters in my books and I always try to give my characters some of my own values and habits. I love to create characters and put them in a troubling situation then sit back and let them do all the work. My characters surprise even me at times. At some point in the book they take on a life of their own and the twists and turns they create becomes the story. Of all the stories I could write I found I like mystery/thrillers the best. I like to keep my readers guessing until the very end of the book. My book titles are: Bones, The Darkness Within, Meghan’s Legacy, Shadow Chaser, Witness, Secrets and Lies, Legacy of Murder, The Unknown Son, The Prophet, No One to Hear You Scream, Bradbury Inn, Murderous Intent, Wrong Number, Fall from Grace, The House on Berkley Street, Cards Of Sin, Blood Memories, . My next books coming out are, Phoenix Rising, A Murder in her Past, Words To Die For and From Beyond Death.
Web site:
I am on facebook and twitter as kjdahlen
My blog is on facebook at K.J.’s blog
My publishers are:
coming soon at-
Phoenix Rising
No One To Hear You Scream
Bradbury Inn
Make sure you check out her books!!!
Mary Duke · 637 weeks ago