Alright, so this week has been crazy. I have posted a lot of things and this post should have been posted yesterday and I'm sorry it wasn't, but I have the flu, so I'm posting it now since I feel a little bit better. Let's take a look at last week and a look into what I have planned for this week.
This Past Week On Ali's Bookshelf
So this past week was a great week here on the blog. I posted a few author features, Day in the Life, How I Do What I Do? and I have another one that was supposed to be posted and being sick I didn't get to post and I will be posting it right after I get this post finished. The post I'm talking about is Take a Break Watch a Vid and I have a great one for that this week. (I'll link back on this post soon) Also this past week, I posted a cover reveal as well which was amazing. So all in all its been a great week here on the blog.
Reviews Posted This Past Week!

This Week On Ali's Bookshelf
So this week I have a lot planned for the blog, I'm still working on the sidebars, so keep an eye out for changes there. I have two great reviews to be posted this week as well. I also have three more author feature posts to be posted this week and a Ali Talks Live post, (the show is tonight) So it looks to be another great week here on Ali's Bookshelf.
Inspired by Pop Culture Junkie and the Story Siren, the aim of Showcase Sunday is to highlight our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week. For more information about how this feature works and how to join in, click here.
So this week I got a few books to share with you all. Below is what I got, didn't post vid this week sorry. I'm way to sick to make a vid. LOL
For Review:
I got this one in Audio for review and I'm almost finished with it and will be reviewing very soon!
I got the paperback arc of this one and I'm very excited to read Freaks. Its on my TBR list for next month, it comes out in March!
Bought for Me
I've been wanting to read these for awhile now and I was at the store and seen it, so I ended up buying it lol.
So that is my Week in a glance and My Showcase Sunday as well. What did you think? How was your week last week? Drop me a comment I'd love to know! Also if your sick out there, I hope everyone feels better real soon!!!