Author: Vicki Pettersson
Publisher: Harper
Published Date: June 2012
Pages: 417 Pages
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Griffin Shaw used to be a PI, but that was back when gumshoes hoofed the streets . . . and he was still alive. Fifty years later, he's an angel, but that doesn't make him a saint. One small mistake has altered fate, and now he's been dumped back onto the mortal mudflat to collect another soul--Katherine "Kit" Craig, a journalist whose latest investigation is about to get her clipped. Bucking heavenly orders, Grif refuses to let the sable-haired siren come to harm. Besides, protecting her offers a chance to solve the mystery of his own unsolved murder--and dole out some overdue payback for the death of his beloved wife, Evie. Joining forces, Kit and Grif's search for answers leads beyond the blinding lights of the Strip into the dark heart of an evil conspiracy. But a ruthless killer determined to destroy them isn't Grif's biggest threat. His growing attraction to Kit could cost them both their lives, along with the answer to the haunting question of his long afterlife . . .
Why I haven't read this book yet?
Like several books on my shelfs, I bought it and couldn't wait to read it, then I got a lot of review books in the mail. Well this book got pushed back and then pushed back some more. So I never got to read it. *Sad face inserted here*
What I Plan On Doing?
Well, for one I plan on reading the book, of course. But the only thought I have about that is when should I read it. I'm thinking I push it up the TBR list to next week.
What Do You All Think of My Plan?
So what do you all think? Should I move this book up my TBR list and read it next week? Have any of you read this book and if so what did you think? I love this cover and can't wait to read it, but is it worth moving up the list?
Let me know what you think??
GREATreviewer 90p · 636 weeks ago