Alright, Right up my Alley is a post that I used to do here on the blog,
it was mainly a discussion post and I created it, sort of titling it as
a play off my name. Anyway, I'm thinking of bringing this back, but
going to change it up a bit.
Right up my Alley is going to be a post where I highlight something I saw during the week that peaked my interest. It could be a blog, piece of jewelry, something in the letter writing community, or even a book. Mainly I'm going to start showcasing other things in my life that I enjoy. Right Up My Alley will be a regular post here on Ali's Bookshelf and will be posted on Saturdays.
So this week has been a weird week, I've found some great things on Facebook and of course April Fools was this past week. I of course, didn't get fooled by anything, but there were some great posts out there.
Most of the week I've been going crazy wondering who is going to die on the season finale of The Walking Dead. I do know one thing, if Daryl dies they might have more than a riot on their hands. I'm super excited to watch the show on Sunday though, my mom and I have made a plan to watch it together and I'm so glad my kids will be in bed. I just hope we don't wake them up by screaming and us freaking out.
Other things that have caught my attention this week, was two shirts that I really want to get my hands on.
I saw both of these on Facebook this week and had to share them here as well. The one on the left is from tee chip and you can buy it here. The other one is from viral style and you can buy it here. Before anyone starts saying something, no I'm not affiliated with either of these companies at all. I just thought you all would like these shirts as much as me.
The Video of the Week is one that made me smile all day. It is book related and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did when I first saw it.
Our first look at the new illustrated Harry Potter book is bea...
Our first look at the new illustrated Harry Potter book is beautiful.
Posted by Vulture on Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Are you all as excited about this book as me?
With Right Up My Alley, I want to start showcasing some of the bloggers that catch my attention throughout the week as well. Below is one that I have been following for awhile now, but she is such a huge inspiration to me.
If you like Bullet Journaling and self help type books, you will fall in love with this bloggers blog. Her name is Kara and she's fantastic, her blog is BohoBerry. I know most in the #bujo community knows who Kara is.
She also has a Youtube channel that I'm obsessed with.
missdespres 36p · 468 weeks ago
AlisBookshelf 69p · 468 weeks ago