Friday, April 1, 2016

Book Blogger Hop #16

Book Blogger Hop is another post I'm going to be trying out and this one has a topic each week, which is something I've been trying to bring to the blog.  I'm really excited about this one because I have a hard time coming up with something fresh to talk about and I'm hoping this helps.   
If you would be interested in doing your own post, please CLICK HERE to learn more about this great hop!

Have you ever ventured out of your comfort zone in terms of reading a genre you have never read? If so, did you get hooked on that new genre?

I don't do this very often, mainly because I do tend to read several genres, but the last time I did go out of my comfort zone it wasn't a good experience. I don't tend to read thrillers or anything creepy.  That's just not my type of book, but everyone was raving about this book, so I got it and thought you know what let's try this.  So I took said book home and started to read it.  Let's just say I got really freaked out by the book and it now just has a permanent place on my bookshelf.  

The funny thing is, this book is now turning into a movie and it looks amazing.  I now want to go see this movie and probably will.  Not sure if that will lead to me trying to read the book again or not, but we shall see. 

So what about you, have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone when it comes to reading a different genre?  


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How ironic that you didn't like the book, yet want to see the movie! Lol. Since you haven't given the title of the book, I'm guessing it was a horror novel. I totally dislike this genre, and avoid it completely! A few years ago, I did decided to try reading a couple of horror novels, and needless to say, never will again!

Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!! :)
2 replies · active 468 weeks ago
P.S. I don't have a Wordpress login, so my post is marked "Anonymous". But my name is Maria Behar, and you can check out my Book Blogger Hop post here:
It's a thriller and it's a YA! I wont say the title, just in case I like the movie enough to try the book again, but I'll let everyone know if I do. LOL Totally understand about the horror genre though, that's a no go for me too.
No way can I see a movie if the book scared me. I wouldn't sleep for months if I saw a visual of what freaked my mind out :(
Sportochick’s Musings Answer
1 reply · active 468 weeks ago
I'm usually the same way LOL I might still give this one a try. Knowing me it will freak me out.
What a great idea. I've never heard of this so can't wait to look into it!! I can't stand creepy books either *shivers* Great post!!
1 reply · active 468 weeks ago
At least I now know I'm not alone in the don't read horror/thriller category. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Reading!
There have been instances where the books don't interest me, but I still want to see the movie. I'll be curious to know if you do want to read the book again after seeing the movie--if you decide to see it after all, that is. :-)
1 reply · active 468 weeks ago
Yeah I'll be writing a post up about the movie if I do decide to see it. :) Thanks for stopping by and Happy Reading!!

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