It's the first day of Bloggiesta!! I'm super excited to work on my blog and to participate this year. My goals for the week can be found here.
So today I'm going to be making sure I comment on other blogs that are participating this go around and make sure I'm replying to comments on my blog as well. After that I really want to work on my Goodreads TBR shelf. It really needs some attention, I have books on the list that I really don't want to read anymore. So they need to go!
If I can get all that finished I want to work on scheduling some posts for this week and the next. I'm going to be going out of town next week and figured if I have some posts ready it would make it a lot easier. Is there anyone out there that tries to do this as well? I would love to know.
I'm not sure which Mini-Challenge I want to try this time just yet, but they all look great.
Roberta · 366 weeks ago
You have some social media buttons that I haven't considered. Do you have any advice about which ones work out best?
AlisBookshelf 69p · 366 weeks ago
ericarobyn 28p · 366 weeks ago
Erica | Erica Robyn Reads
AlisBookshelf 69p · 366 weeks ago
wulibrarianjoy 48p · 366 weeks ago