March has been a crazy month, so much going on and so many book releated things as well. Some of it great and some of it bad, but overall March has been a pretty good month this year. I can't believe it's already spring, it's crazy when you look back at a year and see how fast it goes by. Just shows us that we should charish every moment of every day.
Alright enough of the sappy, let's get down to business shall we!
Let's talk about the books I read this month and see how I actually did.
This month I read three young adult books and three children's books for review. That's actually not as bad as I had thought.
Most of these have been reviewed or will be reviewed on my blog soon.
These are just a few of the posts I really enjoyed this month on the blog. I'm really enjoying all of the discussion posts I've been doing lately and I hope you all feel the same.
- What Ali's Been Watching Lately
- Review: Scythe
- Ali Talks: Five Books That Have Been On My Shelf The Longest
- Spring Bloggiesta Sign Up and Goals
- Ali Talks: Advice For New Book Bloggers
- Review: Hello Stranger
- Review: Every Heart A Doorway
- Ali Talks: Reading Your Backlist
- Ali Talks: How My Reading Habits Have Changed
Like I said the other day, I've really started posting more this past month, which makes me so happy!
I wasn't on Instagram much this past month, but I have started learning more about Instagram stories and plan to be on that a lot more this upcoming month. So make sure you're following me, to do so CLICK HERE!
My favorite image I took this month was one of my currently reading images...
I love taking pictures on Instagram, espcially when it comes to books, though I do share other images on there sometimes as well.
So that was the month of March, can't believe it's almost April already, where does the time actually go? Anyway, I hope you all had a great March and I hope you all have a fantastic April!
ajsterkel15 33p · 364 weeks ago