So today I wanted to add another new post that I've been wanting to share with you all but wasn't sure how you would react. Well, guess what it's time to share anyway! Here we's time to share more of my life with you all. There I said it! Each month I'm going to share a post called Ali's Goals, mainly it's a goal post for the month. It won't just be about books though, it will be about life, homeschool, and well being a mom. Okay, you got me, there will be bookish goals as well! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this post.
I can't believe it's already November, I know I probably say this every year, but where the hell did the year go? It's almost like we skipped a few months and now we're right back into the cold part of the year. Well, it's almost cold here anyway, it's actually rainy and the sniffily part of the year. Anyway, getting off topic here, like I said I can't believe it's already November and that means Thanksgiving and my daughters birthday! YIKES.
For the first time ever, I'm planning to cook a Thanksgiving meal here at my house for my kids and myself. I know crazy right? Usually, we go up to my moms and dads house and I help my mom cook. Instead this year, well not really instead because I'll still be going up to my moms and helping her, but I'll also be cooking at my own house as well. This should be fun right? I sure hope so!
Anyway, that's one of my goals for this month, to cook a Thanksgiving dinner at my house with all the trimmings. Seriously you all I might need you all to send me some good vibes that day. I'm not saying I'm not an amazing cook, because I actually am, I've just never cooked the whole meal by myself!
Alright, with all that being said, let's get down to the other goals I have set for myself for the month of November.
This month my main goal for our homeschool will be to keep up with our schedule. Keep the loop schedule going and actually try to keep the days straight. It gets hard trying to make sure every subject is covered every day. So I learned more about loop scheduling and added one for us. It worked great for the first couple of months, but lately we've been so busy it's been hard to keep up with. It's time to get back to it! I know it sounds easy, but honestly that's the best way I know to start when it comes to goals. You set one that's easy to reach and then work your way up to the harder ones.
Family Goals:
Alright, so this month for my family goal I really want to get back to our family game/movie night. I've been missing that lately and it's time to bring that one back. We used to have so much fun playing games on Friday nights and making homemade pizza or ordering from our favorite pizza place. I want that time back with my kids, so starting tonight, it's family night! I want to spend more time with my kiddo's.
Homeschool Goals:
This month my main goal for our homeschool will be to keep up with our schedule. Keep the loop schedule going and actually try to keep the days straight. It gets hard trying to make sure every subejct is covered every day. So I learned more about loop scheduling and added one for us. It worked great for the first couple of months, but lately we've been so busy it's been hard to keep up with. It's time to get back to it! I know it sounds easy, but honestly that's the best way I know to start when it comes to goals. You set one that's easy to reach and then work your way up to the harder ones.
Life Goals:
My main life goal this month is for myself. I want to take better care of myself. You know as a mom we take care of everyone else, but most of the time we forget about ourselves. Sometimes I think we really need to make us a prioity. So that's what my plan is for this month. Take better care of myself. When I need a break, take it. Drink more water, eat better, etc. That's my main goal for my life this month. Should be simple right? Okay probably not, because like I said above I'm one of those moms, but I'm going to give it a shot.
Bookish Goals:
Yep I'm finally at the bookish goals! Anyway, my main goal this month is to finish up my challenges for the year. I need to read three more books off my TBR shelf and listen to two audiobooks. I'm pretty sure I can do this in November and maybe even add a few more books to my life, but I'm going to start with this goal first. If you want to see more about my challenges or an update about them, there is a post going live tomorrow with an update on each one. My other bookish goal for this month, yep there are two, will be to go enjoy some time in my favorite bookstore. I haven't had the time to just go enjoy being around that many books in a while. I need that time! I guess that would really fall into the life goal part too, but let's just leave it under the bookish goals.
House Goals:
I'm going to add this in here too, because well it will keep me accountable. My main goal for my house this month is to get my kitchen back in order. I'm in the middle of painting my kitchen and had to stop for things that came up and well I want my kitchen put back together. So this month that is one of my main goals. Oh and that other goal all moms actually get all the laundry done! Though by now that's just a dream. LOL
So there you have it my main goals for November, next month I'll post an update on the goals from this month before I post my main goals for the month. Hopefully I will have a great update and no total fails. Crossing my fingers that the dinner goes as planned.
Oh that reminds me if you have a favorite dish you like to fix for Thanksgiving, please comment below what that is and if you have a recipe you would like to share with me that would be amazing and such a huge help!
ajsterkel15 33p · 333 weeks ago