Saturday, November 17, 2018

Down the TBR Hole

I haven't posted one of these posts in a very long time, but it always helped me clear out some of the books that I no longer want to read. Anyway, this meme was created by Lost in a Story, sadly right now she's on a hiatus and isn't really posting right now. But I found the post again over at Cornerfolds blog and I knew I needed to get back to this meme!  Currently my TBR shelf on Goodreads is way over 2000 books, so I really need to work on getting that number down.

Anyway, here are the rules of Down the TBR Hole! 

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if youre feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

Short Stories of Love, Hope, and Laughter, Vol. I by Carlos Salinas

 At the time I remember really wanting to read this book. Don't really like the cover, but it sounded pretty good. At this time, I not really sure if I would really enjoy this one.  VERDICT: PASS

This book still sounds fantastic to me. I can't wait to read this one. This book actually was just released and it's sitting on my Kindle waiting for me. Reading the summary reminds me that I really need to bump this one up my list. VERDICT: KEEP 

This one has been on my list for awhile, it's one of those Kindle free books, but it sounds really good. Sounds like something I would enjoy reading. So I think for now I'm going to keep it where it is, but if I don't read it soon, I'm going to take it off the list. VERDICT: KEEP for now!  

Another book that's been on my list for awhile now. Honestly, I don't think I'm going to read this one. It sadly just doesn't sound as appealing as it did when I added it to my list.  VERDICT: PASS


If I'm being honest, I've already read like three other books just like this. Pretty much the same exact plot and I don't think I want to add another one to my list. Even though the others were fantastic.  I know this is terrible, but this over just kills me. VERDICT: PASS

So that wasn't too bad for the first Down the TBR Hole post in a long time. 

Total number of books deleted: 3
Total number of books kept: 2

Let me know your thoughts on these books, did I make any mistakes or should I have passed on one that I have kept? Tell me your thoughts! 



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