So the first personality test/quiz I took was over at 16 Personalities, my results didn't surprise me at all!
I tend to be a debater especially when I really know I'm right LOL! Anyway, so I knew this really fit my personality, that's the reason I took the second quiz, I had to know if it would come out the same. My results for the second one didn't look as pretty as this one graphy wise, it came from Personality Perfect but here they are...
Okay so, let's go with the first type. The initials are ENTP-T!
Being alone has its perks, but what’s the point of a good book if it can’t be shared? What are 3 all time favorite books that you would love everyone to read and talk about?
So these are three of my favorite books, one has been on my list for a while and the other two a bit more recently. Ready Player One has been a favorite of mine for a few years, I love this whole book so much and the plot is perfection! Sky In The Deep I added to my list this year and I had never read a Viking book and I was so surprised at how much I loved this book. I read this one so fast and didn't want to put it down. Now MY Commander is a book that I most recently added to my Favorites list and honestly, the whole series should be on there. Lately, I've needed books that make me laugh but still have amazing plots in them. This whole series had me rolling but still in love with the story as well. Love this whole series so much.
Some books are meant to be understood and others are meant to be explored. What book or character stands for an idea that is deeply meaningful to you?
I know you all are probably looking at me funny right now or wondering what in the world...but give me a second to explain this one. When I read The Selection series, well this book really made me think. It really hit home for me that we shouldn't label people, it's what's inside that counts and what's inside will always be able to be seen if you get to know that person. Labels don't matter!
Non-Fiction for some can seem tedious, but where would we be without the truths of our world? What book, text, or reading material have you found yourself referring to when in need of real world answers?
This was pretty easy for me to answer, I just recently finished reading Girl, Wash Your Face and normally I don't do this type of books. But I loved this book so much! Every chapter was just breathtaking and it just hit home for me. If you haven't read this one it's a must for my female readers!!!
TBRs are fun to construct and meant to be destroyed. Do you stick to the list or mix it up every now and then? What’s a book you’ve put down that you want to pick back up, but just haven’t been in the mood for?
Now for the only letter in the second personality type that I got was an F so I'm going to answer that one too!~
Not everything needs to be realistic, where is the fun in a world with limits? Which fantasy world do you find so atmospheric you slip inside and never want to leave? (Put simply a book with good vibes)
I know this is probably going to say Harry Potter but it's so true! I could live in that world forever and never get tired of it. Though I would also say that the above book series My Commander is also a contender for this one. I love that whole fantasy world filled with Shapeshifters, vampires, and witches. So much love for books that can drag you inside its pages and not let you go till the end. (I know I've said that a million times here on the blog, but it's still true!)
Now for the last part of this tag, since I have two different answers I was going to answer both again, but the questions only had one of mine. So here is my answer for that one!
ENFP: The Champion
Quite honestly you’re amazing, and while you are not the best at everything, you are the best at what you strive to be. What character in a book did you look up to, and why?
It's weird how fitting these are to my personality! Both of them, but The Campion is really fitting. Anyway, it's kind of hard to come up with an answer to this one, but let's see if I can come up with one anyway.
Come Back To Me is another one of my fall time favorite books, no matter what Jessa and Kit have to go through they both fight for what they want. They both deal with everything and even when it's hard they stick with it. That to me is something that I really look up to.
I hope you all enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed answer these questions! What is your personality type? If you don't know I challenge you to take the quiz as well and figure it out for yourself, it's very enlightening.
ajsterkel15 33p · 330 weeks ago
AlisBookshelf 69p · 330 weeks ago
Tracy @ Cornerfolds · 330 weeks ago