Monday, November 19, 2018

If We Were Having Coffee...

I saw this awesome post over at The Perpetual Page Turner and fell in love with the post idea. I knew right away that I had to do the same over here on the blog as well.  I'm pretty sure she got the idea from a life coach named Ashley from a blog called Awesome Life. I really hope they don't mind that I'm jumping on the bandwagon and posting my own as well. 

So today here on the blog, I'm going to do just that, tell you exactly what I'd tell you if we were sitting down together having a cup of coffee or in my instance a cup of hot chocolate. Okay you caught me I don't drink coffee and I know people are going to be stunned and wonder why not so don't send out the horde of people with pitchforks after me. For right now let's just sit down and have a chat. Don't forget to grab your drink of choice! 

If we were having coffee... I would tell you that this past weekend was my daughters birthday and we got to spend Saturday together having a blast. We went out to lunch at Olive Garden, which she had never been and once there she told me she was in heaven. LOL. Then we were shopping at the mall, but the best part of the day was that we went to see the new Crimes of Grindleward movie and it was so good!  I'd probably have to explain to you that the night before my daughter was born I was actually at a Harry Potter movie premere and we are carrying  on said tradition with the new Harry Potter themed movies on her birthdays! 

If we were having coffee... I would tell you all about how our homeschool life has been. I would tell you how proud I am of my son for doing 9th grade math in 6th grade and how amazed I am at how fast he's learning new things. Then I would ask you how you and your family is doing? Because I love hearing how others are doing as well.

 If we were having coffee... I would probably tell you that I'm currently reading The White Christmas Inn and loving it so far. Being the book lover that I am of course I would have to know what you're reading, mainly because I would need to know if it's a book that I've heard of or not, if not I would have to know what it's about to see if I should add it to my list.  

If we were having coffee... I would have to ask you about your Thanksgiving plans and tell you that this is the first year I'll be cooking the whole Thanksgiving dinner by myself at my house. It's not going to be some big production, mainly because it's just for my kids and myself, but I'm excited to actually cook the turkey by myself, even if it is a daunting task. Of course I would have to know if you have any tips for me, because even if I am excited I'm also freaking out inside about having to cook said turkey by myself. LOL

If we were having coffee... I would tell you all about my 10 days away from social media and how it impacted my life. It's crazy how much 10 days can change your thoughts and feelings about something.  I more than likely would dare you to do the same thing. 

If we were having coffee... I would have to discuss my new goals with 101 things in 1001 days. I'd tell you about a few of my goals that I am working on right now and excited I am about a few of the goals on my list. I'd probably tell you it's a little daunting as well. 1001 days isn't really that long, when you think about it. Years fly by so fast these days. 

If we were having coffee... I would also ask you if you have read Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. Have you? If you haven't it's a must read. This book has changed my life. I of course, would tell you how it changed the way I think about certain things and how it showed me that sometimes I can't control everything, even though I try.  

If we were having coffee... I would tell you how much fun it's been bringing back our Friday Family  nights.  We play board games or watch movies. It's something that I had missed. Then of course, I would ask you if you do something similar and if not I would probably tell you to try it! I learn so much about my kids on these nights. Oh and we have pizza those nights which is always a good thing! 

If we were having coffee... I'd ask about your Christmas plans or Holiday plans, (I have a few amazing friends that don't celebrate Christmas.) I love Christmas so of course I would tell you all about my decorations and what I plan to buy for my kids this year. Which is my favorite part, seeing my kids faces as they open their gifts is hands down the best part for me as a mom. 

If we were having coffee... I would tell you that I suck at read-a-thons but still love participating! I was supposed to be reading Christmas books this week and I only finished like 3. But then again it's been a crazy busy week. With my daughters birthday and homeschool, it's been non-stop around here. 

If were were having coffee... I would tell you how excited I am about the house work I'm doing at my house. We are re-doing the bedroom floors and putting in wood flooring. I can't wait, it's going to be so much easier to clean in the bedrooms! 

So the question is IF We WERE HAVING COFFEE...what would you tell me? 



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