Saturday, December 31, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness: December Wrap Up!

Random Acts of Kindness: December Wrap Up!!!

So this was my first month of participating in Random Acts of Kindness and I loved it! It was so much fun sharing the book love.  I'm so excited to participate next month!!!!

On My Wishlist #5

On My Wishlist is a Meme hosted by Book Chick City

On My Wishlist is a weekly meme that allows us to share the books we haven't bought yet but are waiting to be bought and devoured. If you are anything like me then your wishlist is getting longer by the day! If you would like to take part and have your own 'On My Wishlist' post then you can find more info here. (This post was inspired by the fab In My Mailbox by Kristi at The Story Siren)

My On My Wishlist includes books that are older and already out and ones that are brand new or not even out yet! So lets get to it.  Today I bring you 5 books that I am dying to get my hands on!  I will be updating these when I get any of these books...

Friday, December 30, 2011

Looking Back At 2011

Alright, I wanted to take a few minutes and look back at 2011 here on my blog.  But really there is only 3 months to look at, since this blog is still new! So here we go...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Follow Friday #2

Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts {Parajunkee & Alison Can Read}

This weeks 2 featured blogs:

Ex Libris

Kristen Can Read

Alright so this is my second one of these and I love them so far!!! I couldn't believe all the comments and followers I got last week, thanks to everyone!! So here we go again.  I love this weeks question. 

Review: The Pledge by Kimberly Derting

Title: The Pledge
Author: Kimberly Derting
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry
Audience: Young Adult
Format: ARC Copy (borrowed from Kristen Growing up YA)
ISBN#: 1442422017

In the violent country of Ludania, the classes are strictly divided by the language they speak. The smallest transgression, like looking a member of a higher class in the eye while they are speaking their native tongue, results in immediate execution. Seventeen-year-old Charlaina has always been able to understand the languages of all classes, and she's spent her life trying to hide her secret. The only place she can really be free is the drug-fueled underground clubs where people go to shake off the oppressive rules of the world they live in. It's there that she meets a beautiful and mysterious boy named Max who speaks a language she's never heard before . . . and her secret is almost exposed. Charlie is intensely attracted to Max, even though she can't be sure where his real loyalties lie. As the emergency drills give way to real crisis and the violence escalates, it becomes clear that Charlie is the key to something much bigger: her country's only chance for freedom from the terrible power of a deadly regime.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking  the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. 

This weeks book that I am dying for is...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Right Up My Alley #4

Alright so this is one of my own memes and I love posting it!!! So any way this is my fourth one I've posted and since its almost 2012 I figured I would ask you all this question....

What is your top 5 books that you read in 2011 that you just couldn't do without???

Teaser Tuesday...

 Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

So this week I'm still reading The Pledge by Kimberly Derting...yes I know its been awhile, but the holidays killed my reading time! But I'm also reading a book for review and blog tour in that is the teaser I am going to post today!!!!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Review: Twilight Tales by J.T. Holden

Title: Twilight Tales
Author: J.T. Holden
Publisher: Kuro
Illustrator: Andrew Johnson and Little Grey is illustrated by Gene Kelly
ISBN-10: 1-937-69600-6
Buy this: Amazon * Barnes and Noble

From the critically acclaimed author of "Alice in Verse: The Lost Rhymes of Wonderland" comes a chilling collection of rhyming poetry perfect for Halloween...or any other dark and spooky night. From the creepy jingles of Shadows in Nursery and the eerie angst of The Darkening 'Tweens to the malevolently poetic odes of Medieval Maladies and the sweeping chillers of The Epic Tales, J.T. Holden’s "Twilight Tales" offers a deliciously wicked mix of frightening fare!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

In My Mailbox #12

 In My Mailbox was created by Kristi @ The Story Siren

Alright, so Merry Christmas! I can't believe its already here,well actually its almost over lol. But is my IMM for this week...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!! I hope you all have a great and wonderful Christmas from my family to all of yours!!!!!! 

I will be enjoying my time with my family tonight, but I will be back on here on Monday with a new review for you all!!! 

My daughters Mini Me Corner Review will be posted then also! She has a little treat for you all, her review this week is for Polar Express and she has art work and everything!!! So make sure you check that out. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Follow Friday #1 (Starting over)

Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts {Parajunkee & Alison Can Read}

This weeks 2 featured blogs:
Ce-Ce's Garden of Reviews
From the Shadows I Review

I haven't done one of these in a very long time, but I want to start doing it again! So here we go.  

Q:  If you had to spend eternity inside the pages of a book which book would you choose and why? 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Kimberly s. Lin Blog Tour: Guest Post!

First off I want to say Thank you so much Kimberly S. Lin for doing this guest post and for letting me be part of your amazing tour.  Also want to thank Samantha Robey over at Chicklitplus for letting me a tour host as well.  Thanks ladies!!!! Now lets get to this great guest post.

Kimberly is the amazing author of Recession Proof and I asked her to do a post about What she thought made a great book and this is what she had to say!

Kimberly S. Lin Tour: Review: Recession Proof

Title: Recession Proof
Author: Kimberly S. Lin
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN #:  1463584520
Audience: Adult
Buy this:  Amazon * Barnes and Noble

Sometimes going after what you want is the hardest thing you will ever do... Meet Helen. Smart, successful and obliviously trapped. For the past six years, Helen has given her life and her heart to her cushy corporate finance job and to Mark without question. However as the Recession sweeps the Nation, she is one of many left unemployed and with the burning question of what does she really want in life. RECESSION PROOF is a debut novel for anyone that has settled in their career and relationship but has discovered that what really matters in life is living it... "I read the entire book in two sittings. Wonderful read!" - Shirley from Audrey Magazine "I am thoroughly blown away! You write with some spunk and I felt myself nodding along and chuckling while reading it thinking ‘this is so relevant’. You just ‘get’ the feel of the book and where it’s coming from. I probably mean I’m hooked!" -Annie from WEMAKEPLANS

Sunday, December 18, 2011

In My Mailbox #11

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi @ The Story Siren

SO its that time again, time for In My Mailbox.  This will be the second vid I've posted today lol.  But whose counting right? Alright so lets do this...

Mini Me Corner Reviews (#1)

Alright its time for our first Mini Me Corner Reviews... that's right its time for you to get to see some Children's Book reviews.  My daughter is going to be helping me with this post so I hope you all will make her really welcome on my blog.  She was a bit nervous tonight.  

Friday, December 16, 2011

Ali's Bookshelf Mini Me Corner

This is going to be a new feature here on Ali's Bookshelf.  My little girl is always asking me about what I'm doing on my blog, so I'm going to start letting her help me, but in her own little section called Ali's Bookshelf Mini Me Corner.  I call it that becuase well she is my mini me! She looks just like me, you will get to see it becasuse our first review will be done on video.  It will be posted this weekend probably on Saturday so make sure you come back to the blog to check it out!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ali's Flashback Reviews #1 (vid and Giveaway)

Alright so this is my first Ali's Flashback Reviews this is how its going to go, for todays review I did a vlog, not everyone of them will be done this way! 

Each review will be a book that is older and one that I really want to review on the blog.  So with that being said here is the first Ali's Flashback Reviews post. 


Alright everyone... The winners have been chosen for the Two Prize Packs for Convergence!!!! Time to announce the winners! Drum roll please.....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday Teaser...or Teaser Tuesday? Who actually Knows what its called...

Alright so, since next Monday there is a blog tour going on here on the blog.  I am going to give you a teaser from the amazing book!!! The book is called Recession Proof by Kimberly S. Lin.  So sit back and relax and read this little tease!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

In My Mailbox #10

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi @ The Story Siren

Alright, so this past week was pretty good.  I got a Random Act of Kindness Package with a book that i've been dying to read, I got another book in the  mail, then I bought one more!! So check out this vid and see what I got this week!!!

It's Monday...What are You Reading??

Guess what...Its Monday! What are you reading this week? This is a weekly event to list the books completed last week, the books currently being reading, and the books to be finish this week. It is hosted by Book Journey. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday Teaser or Teaser Tuesday what ever you want to call it!!!

 Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Wherever You Go ARC Giveaway!

Hey everyone...I have a great book to giveaway!! One Lucky winner will be getting this amazing book...

Seventeen-year-old Holly Mullen has felt lost and lonely ever since her boyfriend, Rob, died in a tragic accident. The fact that she has to spend most of her free time caring for her little sister and Alzheimer’s-stricken grandfather doesn’t help. But Holly has no idea that as she goes about her days, Rob’s ghost is watching over her. He isn’t happy when he sees his best friend, Jason, reach out to help Holly with her grandfather—but as a ghost, he can do nothing to stop it. Is his best friend really falling for his girlfriend? As Holly wonders whether to open her heart to Jason, the past comes back to haunt her. Her grandfather claims to be communicating with the ghost of Rob. Could the messages he has for Holly be real? And if so, how can the loved ones Rob left behind help his tortured soul make it to the other side? Told from the perspectives of Holly, Jason, and Rob,Wherever You Go is is a poignant story about making peace with the past, opening your heart to love, and finding the courage to move forward into the light

The Gaia Wars Blog Tour: Book Excerpt

Excerpt from the Gaia Wars Chapter 3...

The ground climbed steadily and Warren slowed but didn’t stop. He knew how to pace himself, and ran lightly over the soft earth, weaving between the pines.

A plan formed in Warren’s mind. He would make for Pipestone Canyon, roughly two miles distant. He and his uncle had hiked, skied and snowshoed there dozens of times, and he knew it well. Perhaps he could hide among the canyon’s crags, cliffs and massive boulders. Perhaps.

Warren topped a low ridge, entered a clearing, and heard the sudden rush of brawling Nine Mile Creek, two hundred yards ahead. Born in the snowy Cascades, the sparkling stream clattered across the meadow. It was roughly fifteen feet wide here, but shallow, gravel-bottomed and easy to cross.

Now that he was out of the trees, Warren heard other sounds, too: the unmistakable baying of dogs, surprisingly close, and the low, steady whine of ATVs. The Finleys were after him, all right, and they were getting closer.

The Gaia Wars Blog Tour: Guest Post and Author Interview


THE GAIA WARS is fiction, but it was inspired—at least in part—by The Gaia Hypothesis. This hypothesis, proposed by NASA scientist James Lovelock, states that the Earth—the entire Earth—is a living thing. A vast, “super-organism.”

I read an article about Lovelock’s theory a few years back and thought it was the coolest thing I’d ever heard.  

The Gaia Wars Blog Tour

Hey everyone, its time for another great blog tour!!! This one is for the book The Gaia Wars!!!  Make sure you head over to the site that is linked below and vote for Ali's Bookshelf in the tiebreaker giveaway!!! Thanks.  Below is all the Tour Info, then I will be posting a guest post from the author and a interview with the author as well.  Later today there will be a post of a excerpt of the book! Happy Reading!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

In My Mailbox #9

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi @ The Story Siren

Alright I know this is a day late but life kicked my butt this weekend and I totally have a cold right now so I'm posting this today! I didn't think you would want to see me all sneezey yesterday so I filmed it today lol.  So here is my IMM for this week! I got a few great books!!!

It's Monday...What Are You Reading?

Guess what...Its Monday!!! Time to find out what I am reading.  

Guess what...Its Monday! What are you reading this week? This is a weekly event to list the books completed last week, the books currently being reading, and the books to be finish this week. It is hosted by Book Journey. 

Review: Sophie & Carter by Chelsea Fine

Review: Sophie & Carter

Title: Sophie & Carter
Author: Chelsea Fine
Publisher: Acarcia Publishing
Audience: Young Adult
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-935089-44-5

While other high school seniors are dreaming about their futures, Sophie and Carter are just trying to make it through each day. Carter is overwhelmed by issues at home as he struggles to support his mother. Meanwhile, next door neighbor Sophie is left to care for her three younger siblings in place of their absent and troubled mother. All that holds these two best friends together is each other, and knowing that each night they'll sit together on Sophie's front porch swing and escape from their troubles, if just for awhile. But as their relationship reaches a turning point and high school graduation nears, what lies ahead for Sophie and Carter?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Weekly Releases for Dec. 4 - 10th

Alright so there are a lot of new releases coming out this upcoming week! So here is a glimpse into all the ones that I know of.  If I miss any let me know and I will definitely add it!

Comment Pact

I have decided to try to do this and comment on 10 blogs a day! Like I said I am going to try.  Today I already commented on the 10!!! YAY.  I hope you all will join me and click here for the information on this Comment Pact. 

I want to do this to get more involved with the blogging community! Also I like seeing what everyone else is reading and reviewing lol.  Its a great way to make new blogging friends as well! 

So, with that being said, now you know what I'm up to! 

Right Up My Alley #3

Hey everyone, I know its been a few weeks since I've done this post, but its time for Right Up My Alley!!! This is a meme started by non other than me! This is a great topic today so lets get started.

What Classic book is Right Up Your Alley?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cover Crazy

The purpose of Cover Crazy is to feature a cover each week for us to admire its beauty. I really like this idea since there are so many great covers out there! Cover Crazy is a meme that was started by The Book Worms.

On My Wishlist #4

On My Wishlist is a Meme hosted by Book Chick City.  

On My Wishlist is a weekly meme that allows us to share the books we haven't bought yet but are waiting to be bought and devoured. If you are anything like me then your wishlist is getting longer by the day! If you would like to take part and have your own 'On My Wishlist' post then you can find more info here. (This post was inspired by the fab In My Mailbox by Kristi at The Story Siren)

My On My Wishlist includes books that are older and already out and ones that are brand new or not even out yet! So lets get to it.  Today I bring you 4 books that I am dying to get my hands on!  I will be updating these when I get any of these books...

So this week I'm going to do five books instead of three...there are just to many to pick from that I really want!

Friday, December 2, 2011

2012 TBR Pile Reading Challenge

So I've decided to do the 2012 TBR Pile Reading Challenge! So here is the info for the challenge just in case you want to do the challenge with me!!!

The Main info page can be found: Here

2012 Reading Challenges!!!

So, since I was new to book blogging this year I've been waiting to do Challenges, but 2012 its on! I have picked three challenges so far to sign up for and I can't wait to start on them! So excited. So watch this vid to see exactly what one's I will be entering!!! 

November Wrap Up!!!

Alright its time to say Bye to Novemeber 2011 and that's why I'm doing a November Wrap Up!! Every month from now on I will be doing this.  So lets get to it!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

TWCS YA Blog Tour: Convergence Giveaway!!!

Time for this amazing Giveaway! We have two amazing prize packs to giveaway...

Both Prize Packs are the same thing and each one contains the following,...

One Ebook copy of Convergence and One set of bookmarks from all the books on the TWCS YA Blog Tour! 

Review: Convergence by J.D. Watts

Review: Convergence by J.D. Watts

Title: Convergence
Author: J.D. Watts
Publisher: TWCS PH
Format: ebook
ISBN #: 098362321X
Audience: Adult Romance

In modern times, mankind believes they know all that there is to know about the world around them. Arrogant in their ignorance, they travel through life completely unaware of the other beings in their midst, the other Children of Creation. Celestial Angels and Fallen walk amongst them unseen, while the third beings of creation, the Guardians, live along side them, protecting them from attacks of the Fallen. Daniella Rossi is a nineteen year old college student who sees the world quite differently than those around her. From infancy, she was aware of the beings that walked among her kind who were not like them, as well as her own personal Guardian who watched over her. Dani always knew she was different, but she never dreamed the full scope of her importance. Follow Dani as her life takes an unexpected turn when a new Guardian is assigned to replace her lifelong companion and friend. Much older, more experienced, and socially awkward, Nathaniel must learn to adjust himself to fit into Dani’s world in order to guard her without drawing unwanted attention. While the Fallen are determined to capture Dani, she and Nathaniel find themselves developing a bond that goes far beyond that of Guardian and charge. Facing the strains of a brewing war and forbidden affections, will they be ready for the coming battle? Will Dani be able to handle the truth of her existence and destiny?

Guest Post by J.D. Watts

Today we have the amazing and very talented J.D. Watts with us here on the blog.  I am very excited to share her book and spend the day talking about her amazing book Convergence!  I want to thank her for doing being here and say thanks to TWCS Publishing for letting me join in this great Blog Tour!  

So with all the Thanks out of the way its now time to check out J.D Watts amazing guest post! 

TWCS YA Blog Tour Announcement !!!

YEAH it's time for the TWCS Young Adult Blog Tour.  I'm so thankful to have the amazing author J.D. Watts here on the blog today with her amazing book Convergence! So today we will have the following posted on the blog: 

A guest post
A Giveaway ( 2 ebooks and 2 sets of bookmarks of all the books in the tour) 
And finally my review of Convergence!!! 

So there is what I have planned for today on the blog, make sure you hang around some and check out the amazing posts!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

December's TBR List!!!

(I got this beautiful picture from We Heart It...Go check it out and many others)

Alright so this is going to be a new feature here on the blog...Once a month I will be doing a TBR List Vid for all of you to see what I plan on reading for that whole month! YEAH!!! I hope you all will comment and let me know what is on your TBR list for that month as well! Enjoy the vid...

Monday, November 28, 2011

This is Me From A to Z

 A to Z About Me Blog Questionnaire

I thought I would do this little questionnaire that I saw on another blog, linked below, this way you all could know a little bit more about.  So here we go...this is me from A to Z

YA Contemporary Challenge 2012

I'm so excited about will be the first challenge I am going to be involved in.  YEAH! 

On My Wishlist #3

On My Wishlist is a Meme hosted by Book Chick City.  
On My Wishlist is a weekly meme that allows us to share the books we haven't bought yet but are waiting to be bought and devoured. If you are anything like me then your wishlist is getting longer by the day! If you would like to take part and have your own 'On My Wishlist' post then you can find more info here. (This post was inspired by the fab In My Mailbox by Kristi at The Story Siren)
My On My Wishlist includes books that are older and already out and ones that are brand new or not even out yet! So lets get to it.  Today I bring you 4 books that I am dying to get my hands on!  I will be updating these when I get any of these books...

Review: The Only Way to Paradise

Review: The Only Way to Paradise by G.G. Vandagriff

Title: The Only Way to Paradise
Author: G.G. Vandagriff
Publisher: O.W. Press
Format: ebook
ISBN #: 098362321X
Audience: Adult Romance 

What causes picture-perfect suburban Oakwood residents, MacKenzie, Roxie, Sara, and Georgia to desert their therapist fly off to Florence? Answer: A romantic Italian movie that prompts Roxie to ask: “If Italy is so healing and therapeoutic what are we doing in Ohio?” Even Sara, the most duty-bound of the group, finally joins the pact they dub “The Crazy Ladies of Oakwood,” and they all find themselves in Florence a week later.

Its Monday...What are you reading??

Guess what...Its Monday! What are you reading this week? This is a weekly event to list the books completed last week, the books currently being reading, and the books to be finish this week. It is hosted by Book Journey. 

In My Mailbox #8

Hey everyone... there are a few announcements on this IMM... Make sure you watch the 3 min vid so you can even get a chance to win a great book!!!

In my mailbox is a meme created by Kristi at The Story Siren and inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie. It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades. 


YEAH!! I now have over 100 followers! Thanks to all of you that hit that follow button.  Now its time to announce the winner of the 100 Followers Giveaway.  This person has 48 hrs to get back to me, if this person doesn't then I will chose another winner! So with that being said....the winner of 100 Followers Giveaway here at Ali's Bookshelf is.....


Thanks again everyone for hitting that follow button.  I will be doing some more giveaways real soon.  Actually I'm doing one for the book Wherever You Go by Heather Davis.  All you need to do is check out my IMM that will be posted later today to find out the details of the giveaway!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Review: Two Moons of Sera

Review: Two Moons of Sera

Title: Two Moons of Sera
Publisher: Fighting Monkey Press
Audience:  Young Adult
Format: ebook
ISBN#: 9780983876922
Buy This: Amazon *

In a world where water and earth teem with life, Serafay is an anomaly. The result of genetic experiments on her mother's water-borne line Serafay will have to face the very people responsible to discover who she really is. But is she the only one? All the Fun of YA written for Adults Two Moons of Sera is a Fantasy/Romance and will be released in a serial format. The first volume is just shy of 20,000 words and will be priced at $0.99. Anyone who purchases it will receive all future volumes for free. However if you wait to get it until later, the price will go up with each addition.

Blog Tour: Two Moons of Sera by Pavarti K Tyler

Thank you so much Pavarti K Tyler for letting me review this great story and for stopping by here at Ali's Bookshelf today!

I hope everyone will check out my review for Two Moons of Sera and check out this great serial novel !


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