Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Guest Post by J.D. Watts

Today we have the amazing and very talented J.D. Watts with us here on the blog.  I am very excited to share her book and spend the day talking about her amazing book Convergence!  I want to thank her for doing being here and say thanks to TWCS Publishing for letting me join in this great Blog Tour!  

So with all the Thanks out of the way its now time to check out J.D Watts amazing guest post! 

I’ve always been the kid with the huge imagination.  I don’t know if it’s a byproduct of being an only child or if God just created me this way, but from the time I was tiny, I could make up these incredible stories.  My imaginary play was filled with anything from castles and dragons to imaginary bike races across the countryside. Throughout the course of these journeys, I was never the damsel in distress.  I was always a knight, fighting right alongside the boys.  I was a martial artist completely devoid of any training, yet pretend karate chopping my way through our back yard.  It’s embarrassing to admit, but it’s so true…I was the poor Star Wars kid before the advent of streaming video and youtube.  I loved to imagine action, adventure, and of course in the end I would get the boy, because I WAS a romance-stricken girl at heart and proud of it. I love a good, strong female lead with the character and tenacity to defend herself, or at least help defend herself.  That’s why I loved Serenity, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dollhouse, and pretty much any other movie or show with a strong female lead that might come to mind.  It’s like an addictive stimulant.  I love when a woman can kick butt!

That being said, it really isn’t such a big surprise that my lead character, Daniella (Dani) Rossi is sassy, strong, willful, and destined to do a lot more than just sit on the sidelines.   Of course, she doesn’t start out there.  Just as we all do, she learns and grows along the course of her journey.  She’s an independent spirit who, at the same time, is also being forced to be very dependent on her Guardians whose sole purpose in life is to protect her.  It was a very fun dichotomy to write; the balance between seeking independence and yet still needing protection, a situation that will also morph and change throughout the series as her situation changes.  Then you add to it forbidden attractions between herself and her male Guardian, Nate, and you have all the trappings of my childhood fantasies wrapped up in one tidy little series.

Even now, as a ‘thirty-something’ mom of two, that imagination I always had as a kid is still going strong.  I can’t seem to shake it, which makes me so grateful I have this great medium of writing to use it for good instead of evil. *Insert devious laugh here because I just can’t help it!* I know it’s quirky, but to this day you can still catch me talking to myself while I’m writing, maybe even acting out a scene if I’m not sure I’m getting the dynamics quite right.  I guess, when you get right down to it, I never really did grow up, and if someone decides to lurk outside my family room window late one night, my antics might just end up joining the ranks of people like the Star Wars kid on youtube! 

J.D. Thank you again for being on the blog today and for writing up this amazing blog post that I just love! 

Now, everyone make sure you keep a watch out today on the blog there is still my review of Convergence and a big Giveaway!!!


k said...

Too funny! I tend to do the same. Did she look over her left shoulder, (Writer turns head)Twiddle fingers, hmm (Writer twiddles fingers!) Yep that's me!

J.D. Watts said...

LOL...I'm sure I have from time to time kkrafts :) And thanks Alicia for having me here!

Ali said...

Your so welcome!!!

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