Friday, September 23, 2011

Mocked by Faith blog tour: Author Interview and Giveaway!!!

Hey everyone...I hope you are as excited for this day as I am.

Today, the amazing writer Michele Richard is stopping by with an author interview and giveaway! As you all should know I am in love with this book and can't get enough Mocked by Faith.  My review for this book was posted when I started this blog, it is the first one I actually posted.  Make sure you check it out if you haven't already: Mocked by Faith Review.  Also make sure you comment and let Michele and I know what you thought about the book if you have read it.  Her book was the first book I reviewed here so I thought it fitting that she be the first author I Interviewed. 

So Lets get this interview started shall we...

First of all I would love to take a moment and welcome Michele to Ali's Bookshelf.  I'm so happy you are here with us Michele and going to be doing a great giveaway with us.  I'm so excited! Thanks so much Michele for doing this interview with me and for writing this amazing book for us to enjoy.

1.) Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?  Hobbies, likes, dislikes, anything you would like us to know.
I am a crafty fanatic. When I am not writing, I love to crochet, knit, or quilt. Most of which I give away.

2.) When and why did you start writing?
I’ve only been writing for almost two years. I complained to my godson about every book I read and he finally said I should write my own, since I'd never be happy otherwise.

3.) Could you tell us a little bit about your book, Mocked by Faith?
It was actually the first book I started to write. When I entered the online contest on The Writer’s Coffee Shop website, I had started three different books.
It’s that type of you either love it or hate it.
Alexia Cross and Justin McNear both live in gated communities were their faith believes in arranged marriages. Neither of them were contracted at sixteen that was the normal age for their society. So as their eighteenth birthdays neared, both looked bleak about their futures, until a sudden chance presented itself. However, saying “I do” to someone you don’t know is only beginning.

4.) What inspired you to write Mocked by Faith?  Is there a lesson to be learned in this amazing book, one that you really wanted people to know?
All my novels have an underlying theme unique to each book. in Mocked by Faith, it’s about accepting people’s differences. The communities hide their faith from those who won’t accept them. At the same time, they avoid others that think differently.

5.)  What is your favorite thing about each of the characters in Mocked by Faith?
With Justin, it’s his flaws, and that he knows about them.
For Alexia, it’s her strength, even when she doubts, she does it with such passion.

6.) How long did it take you to write Mocked by Faith?
Total eight to ten weeks for this one and another six to eight the second half.

7.) Where did you get the idea for Mocked by Faith?
I have no idea. Just hit me walking through the supermarket.

8.) Can you take us through the steps to getting a book published?
The first thing that has to happen is you need to write the manuscript. Then you need to decide how you are going to publish. Unlike in the old day, nowadays there are so many options. If you decided to search out a publisher, you need to submit it for acceptance. I’ve heard it can take a while and several tries with different houses.  
Once accepted, the fun begins. Covers are created, and it’s not always right on the first try, so it can take a while to get it perfect.
The completed manuscript goes from me to the copy editor, then back to me and my other editor. You’d think we’d be done, but no, it goes to the polish editor and back to me and my regular editor again.
Once we feel there is nothing left to edit. It goes off to production, and I don’t see it again until it comes back for my final write off.
Then you celebrate and start promoting it. Don’t be fooled a lot goes into getting the word out to everyone about your book.

9.)  How did you feel when I finally got the book finished and off to the publisher?
I cried, then laughed, then cried again. It’s a happy time and sad time. You’re thrilled to be done, but sad to say goodbye.

10.) What do you do when your not writing?
Spend time with my family and friends, mostly.

11.) What does your family think about Mocked by Faith and your writing?
They’re very proud. Thy haven’t read Mocked by Faith yet. But thoroughly enjoyed Mocked by Destiny.

12.)  Which book is your favorite between the ones you have wrote? or do you have a favorite?
I really don’t have one, I love them all. Just in different ways.

13.) What do you think makes a good book/story?
I love books that do the unexpected. I like flawed characters.

14.) Who is your favorite author? And who is your favorite character?
J.K Rowlings and for a character its a toss up between Harry Potter, Legolas, and Edward Cullen.

15.) What Genre do you usually read?
Romance all kinds, and Science fiction.

16.) What are you reading right now?
I have been trying to find the time to read my copy of Overlord.

17.) Is there anyone special out there that you would like to thank for being your support through your writing process?
I have some fantastic women that have been my sounding board through all my writing. Laura and Lisa listen to me no matter what. They never try to stop my rants and show me everyday just how lucky I am to have them as friends. Then there is Gloria. She’s always been there to say just do it. When I doubted myself on entering the contest, she told me to do it. She was right.

18.) Do you have a website that readers can find you at or a blog?
twitter: M_A_Richard

19.) What are you currently working on?
Changes is a short story for the publishing house compilation book coming out this fall and Parasouls - Divine Intervention, which is the first of my new science fiction romance.

20.) Looking back now, at your books, is there anything you would change or make different? Any little detail you would add or take out?
Always! Even now I think I should have added this or that.

21.) Is there anything else you would like to say to the readers?
Just thank you for reading, not just my novels but in general.

Thanks again Michele for joining us here at Ali's Bookshelf.  Can't wait to see what you have in store for all of us with your next book. 

Alright, now we have a great giveaway for everyone... We have two ebooks of Mocked by Faith by this amazing author Michele Richards and we also have five signed bookmarks to give away! Make sure you fill out everything correctly and do all that you need to do to get a chance at one of these amazing prizes. 


Kim Justice said...

I can't wait to read the book, I hope I win lol. I love this blog!!!

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