Saturday, September 10, 2011

Needing more Meridian...

Title: Meridian
Author: Amber Kizer
Category: Fantasy, Romance
Format: Audio
Age Range:  Late Teen/Adult

"We are born so you can live and die in peace...I'll be your window and you'll rise."

Half-human, half-angel, Meridian Sozu has a dark responsibility.

Sixteen-year-old Meridian has been surrounded by death ever since she can remember. As a child, insects, mice, and salamanders would burrow into her bedclothes and die. At her elementary school, she was blamed for a classmate's tragic accident. And on her sixteenth birthday, a car crashes in front of her family home and Meridian's body explodes in pain.

Before she can fully recover, Meridian is told that she's a danger to her family and hustled off to her great-aunt's house in Revelation, Colorado. It's there that she learns that she is a Fenestra ; the half-angel, half-human link between the living and the dead. But Meridian and her sworn protector and love, Tens, face great danger from the Aternocti, a band of dark forces who capture vulnerable souls on the brink of death and cause chaos.

Wow...what can I say about this amazing ride of a book.  Meridian is so different than the angel books I have been reading.  To tell you the truth when I realized it was another "angel" book I almost didn't bother even trying it, but I was proved wrong.  I've been needing something different lately and I definably found it in Meridian.

This book is a good example of Good vs. Evil.  Makes you really want to cheer the good guys on and hate the bad guys with a fiery passion.  One that makes you want to jump through and kill them yourself.

"We are shinning just beyond your sight."

How About We Meet the Characters:

"Bring on the Good Guys"

Meridian ~ I loved her so much, the way she is in the beginning is far from how she is in the end.  I love getting to watch a character grow through the book and boy did she grow.  In the beginning you can't help but feel for her.  Everything around her dies, at least that's the way she sees it.  Seriously how would that make  you feel? She really has no clue who she is and when she finds out that she is a  Fenestra and what that actually is she battles with the whole idea.  In the beginning she is taken from everything she knows and loves and thrust into a whole other place, somewhere that she doesn't know anyone.  Again the book makes you pretty much Walk in her shoes, seriously all the way to Aunties house.  She ends up meeting a lot of friends and a lot of enemies along the way.  

Auntie ~ This character is one of my favorite through out the whole story.  Her wit and way she is always bringing up food at the weirdest times is a perfect contrast to the seriousness of the subject matter in the book.

Then we have Tens ~ the protector, love and all around great guy of the book.  I loved how protective he is of Meridian and Auntie.  he is the ideal love for our main character; strong, stubborn, a gentlemen (when he tries), but he still brings a bit of mystery to the table as well.  Love Tens throughout the whole book except for one place and I seriously wanted to yell at him to get a clue.  (not going to explain anymore than that, you will have to read to find out why) 

"Naughty Naughty Bad Guys" 

The Reverend Perimo - He is an Aterncoti in disguise as the minister of the church in the small town where they live.  But of course he's leading the whole town astray and gets them on his side.  He is the ultimate bad guy in this book.  The one that just wont give up and comes at them from all sides.  

The Aternocti -The ones  always after the Fenestras.  They want to rid the world of our good guys.  ( go figure right) 

What I loved....

I really enjoyed this book, for a YA book the topic can be a bit serious.  The Good vs. Evil part is in a lot of books though this one mixes it with the right amount of love story to go along with it.  I loved the way the two characters didn't just see each other and fall madly in love, that's not real to me, the way their love grew is more realistic.  I loved how backward Tens was about telling Meridian that he was in love with her and that he was her protector.  The characters of this book show great courage and strength even when they were scared to death to go up against the ones they fought.  I love that in a female character.  Meridian is one of those books that show you that no matter what kid of day you are having that you need to just keep going, you will make it through. 

"I tasted tomorrow on his lips."

So all in all I give this great book a:

"We are born so you can live and die in peace."

Also one more thing...

Audio Review: I usually don't do audio books but Khristin Hvam gives us a stupendous performance in her reading of this one.  the voices she used to distinguish the characters fit them perfectly.  All in all I give her performance a standing ovation. 

(all quotes came straight from the book)


WTF Are You Reading said...

Love the book and the awesome post!!!!!
Keep up the great work!!!!!!!

DisneyMom said...

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