Thursday, September 8, 2011

Review: Mocked by Faith by Michele Richard

Title: Mocked by Faith 
Category: Romance
Publication date: Aug 25, 2011
Pages: 221
ISBN (paper): 978-1-61213-054-5
ISBN (ebook): 978-1-61213-055-2


For Alexia Cross and Justin McNear, things are not what they seem.  Both were born and raised in hidden, gated communities.  A place where time virtually stands still and marriages are arranged by parents before a child’s 18th birthday.

Alexia is destined to be her community’s first spinster.  In a last ditch effort, a husband is found.  The only complication?  He has no idea he has been betrothed. Will his history of dating outsiders help or hinder his relationship with his future wife?

Justin McNear searched outside his church for the woman of his dreams. Returning home after failing, he knows he needs to rectify his life and his faith. Can a woman he’s never met make him whole again?

Will this couple end up mocked by their own faith?  Follow Alexia and Justin through the trials and tribulations of finding, falling, and surviving each other's love. It’s never easy saying “I do” to someone you don’t know.

Well it is that time again, for me to let you know what I am currently reading from my bookshelf. It’s a brand new gem of a book and the kicker is… this amazing book hasn’t been released yet. (this review was wrote before the release date and was posted on my other site, now its being posted here)  Yes, you heard me correctly. I was lucky enough to receive a sneak peek at this amazing book. Mocked by Faith is a beautifully written gem from Michele Richard

I’m so excited that I get to be one of the first people to tell you all about this book.  I read this book as soon as I got my “hands on it” more like as soon as my computer downloaded the attachment file of the book.  The Writers Coffee Shop Publishing House has let me into their world of books to bring reviews of their upcoming books to you!   I will tell you one thing I started reading Michele’s first book a few days before they sent me this one and I couldn’t put it down.

I was asked to put together a review in words about the book and my thoughts about it. The thing is, this book can’t be justified by a few words of my review and to be honest you need to read this book to fully be able to appreciate it and enjoy it..  But, I’m going to try my hardest to paint a picture of it for you then you can decide for yourselves since words for once have failed me to come close to describing this talented writer and her extraordinary book.

This story line and character development were truly remarkable, I felt as if I was living the story among the characters and literally felt emotionally connected to them. This books amazing story had me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happened next.    I even had to run back to this book when I was cooking dinner in between my hamburger frying and the pasta boiling to discover what happened next.   So what I’m saying is I couldn’t walk away from it without going crazy and running back to turn the page to find out what had happened to Alexia and Justin.

I read this book in one day… actually it was about nine hours to finish reading the whole book and Richard does amazing job of creating a world that completely immerses you into their world and I did not want to leave until the story was over. This is one of the few books on my shelf that I completely read in a day and could not wait to find out what happened next.

While reading about the lives of her two main characters and the hardships they had to overcome, I literally felt as if I was inside the story living through it all with them.  It was as if Alexia jumped right out of the book and pulled me in between the pages with her then she let me stay in the guest room so I could see and hear everything.

The book’s main character is Alexia Cross and her world isn’t like most of ours.  Living in her world, girls around her age are already promised to be married off to a man. This is decided by the girl’s father and mother who pick a husband for her.  In today’s society most of us would roll our eyes at hearing about arranged marriages. Most cultures think it is an outdated practice and would think is the most ridiculous thing in the world.  But you see, Alexia lives in a community called The Gates and it is the just the way they do things.

One day it finally happens for her…her parents find what they deem the perfect guy for her. Alexia and Justin are thrown together without even knowing each other.   You heard me correct they don’t even know each other.  Not like us you know we spend a few years together so we know the person we marry, not for these two they really had no clue. They have to live through the ups and downs of the new marriage and endure a life together.  While learning to get to know each other, could you even imagine that?  Not knowing a person before you marry them, then have to spend the rest of your life with them?  That’s how it was for Alexia and Justin and you get a front roll seat into their life’s.

This book is an emotionally charged rollercoaster ride filled with happiness and angst all combined in a whirlwind between two book covers.

The story is filled with tons of drama, excitement and tons of love. Remember how I said I felt as if I was living in the characters shoes?  One part in particular had me crying my eyes out. As I read the words on the page containing a certain part of their life,  I could feel every breath she was taking and every tear she let drop.  I could feel it deep down and I couldn’t help but cry right along with them.  Just read the little piece of the story below to feel a tiny bit of that feeling.  


“Hey, Alicia. I miss you. Everything is a mess right now, and I don’t know what to do anymore. I need to ask you a favor.” A stream of tears started to fall from my clenched eyes. “I know Kaiden is with you now. Take care of my son for me? He’s just a baby and needs someone to look after him while he’s waiting for me.”

“You don’t have to ask her to do that. She loved you, and you know in your heart she’s already holding him for you,” my mother’s voice rang out.

“How would you know what she felt?” I chided.

“When Dr. Brackett did an ultrasound, we saw you two hugging. That’s when we saw the cord wrapped around her neck. He tried to do an emergency C-section, but it was already too late. She died in your arms.”

(Mocked by Faith chapter 24)

I love books that can do this to a reader, they suck you in, let you live the story and then feel every emotion of the characters and those very emotions hit you and you end up laughing the hardest you ever have or crying so hard that you run out of tissues.  That’s how I know the author of this book is a true author.  Michele Richard is a true talent and I for one cannot wait for more from her.

So now it’s your turn…come on as soon as this book is released, order it and jump into this world head first with me.  Seriously I’ll read this book over and over again with each and every one of you!   So don’t forget this title.  Write it down, right now…I mean get a piece of paper and write it down!  Mocked by Faith by Michele Richard and It is published by The Writers Coffee Shop Publishing House and it is being released on August 25th, 11. (Its already out so you can order it now!!! )

 My Overall Rating of this book is:


I will be interviewing Michele Richard on the 23rd of this month and also hosting a giveaway right here on the blog. Make sure you check out the interview that day for more details!!! 


Unknown said...

I read it already. Like you, I finished this in one day and I'm asking for more. I need more of it. It's simply hard to describe the pull of the book!

Great Review! This is one of the books that is so hard to review and yet you did it right!

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