Thursday, September 20, 2012

Blog Tour: Guest Post with Kate Mitchell Author of Aureole

So today, I have a great guest post for you from this incredible author Kate Mitchell.  She is the author of Aureole.  Below you will find the guest post of course, author bio and book information.  

Come Fall for Aureole!

Welcome to the first post of my first ever book tour! Excuse me while I fangirl a little bit, because I am so unbelievably excited to be on Ali’s Bookshelf Reviews. I’ve been checking out book blogs for some time now, but as the consumer – the reader – and now on one. And it’s Ali’s Bookshelf, no less (so awesome, right?). Insanity.

Okay. Now that we’re past that.

Hi, I’m Kate Mitchell, I’m the author of the new realistic fiction novel Aureole, and I swear I can be professional. Like I said, today is the first day of the promotional tour for Aureole, which is called the Fall for Aureole tour! Since this is the first day for my first tour, it seems pretty fitting to start with Aureole’s first. What got Aureole started?

I’m one of those people who loves Jane Austen, and I’m also one of those readers who reads everything they can get their hands on. This translated into me reading every single thing Austen ever wrote, finished and unfinished, including Mansfield Park. Now, I really enjoyed Austen’s writing, and Pride and Prejudice is still one of my favorite books, but I absolutely could not stand the ending of Mansfield Park. In my opinion, every bit of ground Fanny had gained throughout the novel was lost at the end, and it annoyed me to no end. She came so far!

So I did what any annoyed reader nearing National Novel Writing Month would do, and rewrote it. Except, I changed the ending. Oh, and the setting, the characters, the people, well, a lot of it. I changed everything, other than the very basic premise. Girl living with wealthy people not her parents – who have four children of their own – has her life thwarted by a hellish brother and sister. Somewhere along the lines it changed from a retelling of Mansfield Park and became its own idea, its own book. It became Aureole

 Title: Aureole
 Author: Kate Mitchell


When Jessica Carleton, a shy eleven year old from a poor family in Brooklyn who had their fair share of trouble, goes to live with the wealthy Bishop family on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, she quickly learns that just because you have money does not mean you’re happy. As the years pass, she grows to love the family, and although they never officially consider her to be a member of it, she becomes an important part all the same.

Everything goes well until the Christensons arrive a little over ten years later. A devious, clever, and good-looking brother and sister from Connecticut, individually they stir up trouble, but together they wreak havoc. Soon enough Jess realizes that unless she stands up for herself for the first time in her life, she will lose all that she has come to treasure. She has to make a choice: either lose the family that never really accepted her and try to start over one more time, or take a stand for what she believes in. For the quiet, unassuming young woman, this is no easy decision.

A different kind of coming of age story for anyone who has ever been unsure of themselves, this novel watches over the Bishop family in Manhattan and all of their endeavors. It follows Jess as she makes mistakes, does her best to correct them, and maybe, just maybe, works her way into the hearts of the Bishop family for good using her heart, her mind, and without using money at all


Author Bio 

From an early age, Kate Mitchell has been an avid reader. In June 2009 she graduated from high school in Maine, and in August of the same year she entered Vanderbilt University, where she double majors in Secondary Education and in English. She will continue to write both in school and after, as writing will always be her first love. When not studying at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, she spends time in Maine and Boston with her parents and younger sister. In the spare time she has that is not spent writing, she sings in the Vanderbilt University Concert Choir, is a sister of Delta Gamma, and enjoys cooking and baking.

I want to take a second to thanks author Kate Mitchell for stopping by the blog today and for letting me part of her blog tour! 

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