Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Review: The Rebel Princess by Anne M. Strick

Review: The Rebel Princess by Anne M. Strick 

IN A GLANCE: A totally different type of book, not like anything I've ever read!

Title: The Rebel Princess
Author: Anne M. Strick
Publisher: Createspace
Format: ebook (given to me for this blog tour and my honest review)
Pages:  394 pages
ISBN #:  1452864977 
Buy This: Amazon

An insider’s first-ever behind-the-scenes scoop on how movies are REALLY made: gritty, grinding, tunnel-vision labor, back-stage intrigue, explosive dramas, parties, and relationships that last a night or a lifetime.
Larger-than-life characters who live life with fervor, while contending with their own inner demons and one another, all in the pressure cooker of a location shoot in the exotic world of Mexico. This romp of a story follows the making of a movie from pre-production through wrap. A hotly passionate love story and a murder elevate the stakes.


When I say a book is totally different than anything I've ever read, this book will be forever on the top of my list for different but love! I never knew much about the movie world and to have an author that knows it so well, write this book and tell us things about how it really works is great.  I must say I loved how non technical this book really is, even though you get a lot of information from it.

Anne M Strick is a great story teller, with her well thought out plot and a great set of characters, she brings her story to life right before your eyes.  I love the way the words flowed off the page and into my head.  

I was on the edge of my seat while I read this story and couldn't get enough of it, when it was time for bed I wanted to change the time on my clock to say something earlier.  I couldn't put this book down no matter how tired I got.  The Rebel Princess is defiantly a must read in my eyes and I hope you all will think the same when you read it. 


Plot: 20/20
Characters: 20/20
Writing: 20/20
Creativity: 20/20
Ending: 7/10
Cover: 8/10

95 out of 100 = 4 1/2 Puppy Rating

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