Review: Cataclysm by C.L. Parker
IN A GLANCE: Fantastic read once you get into it.
Title: Cataclysm
Author: C.L. Parker
Publisher: TWCSPH
Format: PDF Ebook
Pages: 250 pages
ISBN #: 1612130704

Kerrigan Cruz and Dominic Grayson thought the worst of the storm was behind them. In reality, they have only weathered impossible odds to find they are smack dab in the eye of an unforgiving cyclone. More is on the way. The raging bands of chaos that surrounds them are forcing the destructive walls of the monster to close in around them. Taking on a life of its own, the storm growls and gnashes its teeth, threatening to devour everything they ever were or ever will be. There will be nothing but devastation left in its wake, and it sets its sights on Kerrigan and Dominic. Through the howling winds and punishing lashes of rain, a stranger comes. The promise of a better tomorrow, a brighter, sunnier life filled with hopes and dreams rests in the palm of his hand. It is knowledge, a formidable weapon when wielded by the right person at just the right time. If she can only harness the power of this stranger’s knowledge, Kerrigan may be able to save the one she loves before he fades into nothingness, and she is left all alone. But is this stranger friend or foe? Drawn to her side by an unseen force, will he enlighten Kerrigan or will he seek to claim her for his own? Cataclysm: Through the darkness of night, Light will lead the way.
Alright, first off I want to say that I really loved reading this book and anything by C.L. Parker she is one of my favorite authors and has been for a long time. But, Cataclysm took me a bit to get into and I'm not sure why. It starts off with a bang, totally sexy times and everything, but once I got into this book it pulled me in and held me hostage till I was done with the very last word.
I love the style in which C.L. Parker writes, it is all her own, I think that's the main reason why I love her books, they aren't like anything I've ever read. Cataclysm is defiantly different. There are moments in this book where I was screaming at the characters and wanting to put the book down, but so drawn into the story and into the characters life's that I couldn't stop reading. I just had to know what was going to happen next.
Cataclysm is a great sequel to this series of books. I don't want to give to much away, but I must say I love the character of Dominic Grayson. He's so hot and totally makes this book steamy! Also I have to say this the character, Gabe, totally cracks me up. I love reading his lines over and over in this book and well the whole series so far.
With all this being said, Cataclysm is a definate must read for anyone that loves C.L Parker's books.
Plot: 20/20
Writing: 20/20
Characters: 19/20
Creativity: 19/20
Cover: 6/10
Ending: 10/10
*The reason I gave the cover a low score is mainly because these covers, in my opinion, don't do these books justice. The Supernova Saga is amazing and I feel the covers should be too.*
94 out of 100 = 4 Puppy Rating