Sunday, February 19, 2012

Review: Thank You For Flying Air Zoe by Erik Atwell

Review: Thank You For Flying Air Zoe by Erik Atwell

IN A GLANCE: A near death experience could change everything. An exceptional read that defiantly gets you thinking.

   Title: Thank You For Flying Air Zoe
   Author: Erik Atwell
   Publisher: Booktrope
   ISBN #: 978-1-935961-178
   Format: Paperback
   Pages: 257
   Buy This: Amazon * Barnes and Noble

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fasten Seat Belt sign has been turned on, but feel free to ignore it, because sometimes life is best lived on its dizzy edges. Your cruising altitude today will be sky high, and you will be flying at staggering speeds as you travel alongside Zoe Tisdale, former Valley Girl and rock star turned bored butter saleswoman.On the heels of a brush with mortality, Zoe concludes that she's been letting time pass her by. Realizing she needs to awaken her life's tired refrains, Zoe vows to recapture the one chapter of her life that truly mattered to her - her days as drummer for The Flip-Flops, a spirited, sassy all-girl garage band that almost hit the big time back in 1987. But reuniting the band won't be easy. The girls who were once the whiz kid guitarist, the prom queen bass player, and the hippie lead singer grew up and became women who are now a reclusive dog trainer, a wealthy socialite, and a sociopathic environmentalist. Will Zoe bring the band back together and give The Flip-Flops a second chance at stardom? Is it possible to fully reclaim the urgent energy of youth?As you follow this wild flight path, please know that your destination could be anywhere at all, complimentary oxygen is provided upon request, and baggage flies free. We hope you enjoy the ride, and Thank You For Flying Air Zoe.


A near death experience is all it took for Zoe to see that she hadn't accomplished enough in life just yet. 

She tries to get her band back together, the Flip Flops was a girl band back in 1987.  She tries to reclaim her past and make another go at it.  But will it work? Will she get what she wants and accomplish something?        (I'm not going to tell you and ruin the story for you! You will have to read it and find out.)

I really enjoyed reading this entertaining book, even though I was born in the 80's and don't remember much about it.  Thank You For Flying Air Zoe is a great story, with great characters.  I also wanted to make sure you all read the Goodreads synopsis for this great story, I loved it and it fit the book perfectly. 

Thank You for Flying Air Zoe is 257 pages full of a fantastic story that is well written and thought out.  I also have to say this one last thing, this story is written by a man!!! Yes that's right a man wrote this incredible story that is in a females POV.  I love that!! Its what made me want to read this book in the first place.  Erik Atwell captured the characters perfectly.  He defiantly did the Chic lit world proud!!!

My Recommendation: 

Thank You For Flying Air Zoe is defiantly for the adult females out there!!!

My Rating: 

Plot: 20/20
Characters: 19/20
Writing: 19/20
Creativity: 20/20
Ending: 10/10
Cover: 6/10

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Thanks for the review Ali!
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
Your so welcome!!!


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