Alright so Let's see how I did in all my reading challenges this year. I'm so excited to say that I hit all my goals and sometime even going over! YAY!
First off let's look at my Goodreads Challenge.
YAY, I went over my goal. I read 125 books this year.
I read 20 books this year that was on my TBR List. Below is the list and they are all linked to my reviews.
I also did the YA Contemporary Challenge. So I wanted to read 5 books for that challenge and I did it! YAY.
4. Reunited
So, I actually did it! I'm so happy. I am looking forward to all the challenges I'm going to be doing in 2013! So how did everyone else do on their 2012 challenges? I would love to know.
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
Book Bunny · 637 weeks ago
Bonnie · 637 weeks ago