Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Ali Recommends: Young Adult Dystopian Books

Ali Recommends is where I showcase some of my favorite books. Today I want to talk about Young Adult Dystopian books. I have a few that are my favorites and I hope you might find a few that you might enjoy as well. 

Let's talk Young Adult Dystopian, my favorite kinds of dystopian books are the ones that aren't like the others. You know exactly what I mean, the ones that feel and sound exactly the same as the others you've read, I need different than that for me to love the book. I'm always looking for the ones that grab my attention and don't let me go until I'm finished and sometimes not until sometime after I finish the book. 

These aren't in any specific order, but here are a few of my favorites! 

The Article 5 series - I adore this series so much! The writing style is perfection and not like the other dystopian books I've read. The pacing is in the middle of too fast and too slow, which in my mind is the best pace for a dystopian book. 

The Giver Quartet - I know these books are more middle grade but honestly I couldn't make this list without these books on the list. They're some of my all time favorites!  This book is mainly the reason I love dystopian books so much. I fell in love with these books when I was in middle school and now I'm actually re-reading them. 

Razorland - These are another set of books that I adore so much. The story is so different than the others. The plot well thoughout and the main character easily connected with. (At least she was for me, yep I said female main character, that alone made me love this book!) 

Partials - This is a series I read awhile back and love the writing style of author Dan Wells. What I love the most about this book was the unknown ending that I never saw coming. There were plenty of twists and turns that had my attention the whole time. 

Otherworld - This was my favorite read of last year and honestly I could re-read it again. Love the world that author Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller created and honestly I love how the story kept my attention and never let it go. I need more books like this one!

Alright, so there is a few books that I majorly recommend when it comes to YA Dystopian. If you haven't read these, you should add these to your TBR! 

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