I'm not sure if my blogger friends out there are like me, but I am a lister! I have to know in advance which posts are going to go up when and I have a running to do list for my blog. With all of that, I really want to make it a bit simpliar and start a weekly post called Ali's Blogging To Do List! Yep, I know real original, but I figured keeping it simple would work easier. This is actually based on a post that I tried a few times in the past called Task it Tuesday, but sadly from what I'm seeing the blogger that started it is no longer doing that post. CLICK Here to go to her blog. Which really makes me sad, because honestly I would have just latched on the meme and started posting it instead.
Anyway, my plan is weekly or maybe bi-weekly, make a post on Monday's with a few items I want to get done on my blog that week. I will go back and mark off items once they're finished. I'm hoping this will help me get back into the groove of blogging and help me get some tasks done that I've been wanting to mark off my list for awhile now.
So last week I was a bit too ambitious, I was only able to get two items finished off my list, so this week I'm only going to add three items to my list. This week is also the TBR Bust-a-thon so I'll be reading a lot, which makes me a little nervous about even having three items on my list, but we are going to try.
This week I'm going to work on the following things:
- Write at least two reviews and schedule them (finished one...oops)
Schedule my whole month of blog posts in my BuJo! (I'm going to do a post on how I do this soon!)Write/schedule one discussion post for this week
So I did get a chance to work on my ongoing task, which is getting my review books and Arcs organized. This is a huge task because of how many I actually have. Which means this will probably be my ongoing task for awhile!
Alright so there is the plan for this week, hopefully I can get a few of these tasks completed and still have time to read for the read-a-thon. Wish me luck!