Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Assassin of Truths Blog Tour Author Guest Post and Giveaway

Today I'm super excited to have the author of Assassin of Truths, Brenda Drake with us. I'm also super excited to be part of this tour and have the chance to share this new book with you. Below you will find the great guest post from this fabulous author and all the information you will need about this great book and series. 

So my question for the author was: 

If you had thirty minutes with anyone alive or dead who would you want to talk to and what would you talk about?


When I read that question, J.K. Rowling instantly popped into my head. I would so love to spend thirty minutes with her. It would be on a train with the countryside rushing by the windows and we’d be drinking Butterbeer and Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. I’d make her try the vomit one. My kids made me. It’s horrible.

I’d pick her brain about what happened the nineteen years after the Deathly Hallows and before the epilogue. Did Harry, Hermione, and Ron go to college? Are there wizard colleges and where are they. I’d want details about Harry and Ginny’s wedding and Hermione and Ron’s wedding. Where do they live? What kind of homes are they? What jobs did they get after college? Are Professor McGonagall and Hagrid still alive? What happened to the Dursleys?

I would ask her what authors inspired her and what is her favorite book. I’d want to know if she binge watches shows and what they are. What books did she read as a kid?  Then I’d ask her if she’s a panster or plotter. My guess is she’s a plotter.  Most of the answers to my questions are most likely on the internet, but I’d want to hear it from her.  We’d finish our time together with a game of Wizard Chest. And she’d probably beat me.

Assassin of Truths (Library Jumpers #3)
By Brenda Drake
Publication Date:  February 6, 2018
Publisher:  Entangled Teen

The gateways linking the great libraries of the world don’t require a library card, but they do harbor incredible dangers.

And it’s not your normal bump-in-the- night kind. The threats Gia Kearns faces are the kind with sharp teeth and knifelike claws. The kind that include an evil wizard hell-bent on taking her down.

Gia can end his devious plan, but only if she recovers seven keys hidden throughout the world’s most beautiful libraries. And then figures out exactly what to do with them.

The last thing she needs is a distraction in the form of falling in love. But when an impossible evil is unleashed, love might be the only thing left to help Gia save the world.

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Brenda Drake grew up the youngest of three children, an Air Force brat, and the continual new kid at school. Her fondest memories growing up is of her eccentric, Irish grandmother's animated tales, which gave her a strong love for storytelling. With kids of all ages populating Brenda's world, it was only fitting that she would choose to write stories with a bend toward the fantastical for both younger readers and the young at heart. And because she married her prince charming, there's always a romance warming the pages. Her favorite books are The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, Kings Row by Henry Bellamann, and Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. When she's not writing, she hosts workshops and contests for writers such as Pitch Wars and Pitch Madness on her blog, and holds Twitter pitch parties on the hashtag, #PitMad. In her free time, Brenda enjoys hanging out with her family, haunting libraries, bookstores, and coffee shops, or just reading someplace quiet and not at all exotic (much to her disappointment).


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