Sunday, February 25, 2018

Week In A Glance

Ali's Week at a Glance is where I get to share with you somethings that aren't blog related and showcase books I've received this week as well as ones I've read. I also like to add a few other things to this post as well every week.

So this past week was pretty normal other than all the freakin rain! Last weekend though was so much fun. Took a small day trip down in Kentucky to the Jim Beam distillary and took the two hour tour to see how everything was made. Even got to bottle my own bottle and had my named etched on it. Thought it was really cool and had a great time. Of course I had a few drinks to go along with that as well. Must say Jim Beam Apple is really good!!! 

Other than that it's been a pretty easy week. Oh and I did get a chance to finally see the movie Wonder and LOVED IT! I cried so much during that movie, but honestly I can't wait to read the book. (Probably should have done that first but oh well!) 

This week I'm going to just skip the book haul part because I am actually going to do a whole post about the books I've recieved. So let's just jump right into upcoming reviews! 

Next month we have reviews for Scythe and Otherworld along with a few mini me corner reviews as well. So keep an eye out for those. I will also be posting reviews for the Wayward Children books. Which I'm loving so far I must say. 

My main goal this month for FitReaders was to take better care of myself and I've done pretty good so far. I am still getting my 10,000 steps a day in and I'm thinking of moving that up to 15,000 for April. Not sure yet though. 

I posted a lot of pictures on Instagram this past week, but my favorite would have to be this one. Mainly because it's of my set up in my Bullet Journal for March! I'm loving all the colors! If you don't know I use a Bullet Journal to stay organized and even my blog organization is now been moved into my Bullet Journal.

Though this one would come in close second.  Mainly Because I had so much fun that day at Jim Beam.


That's pretty much my whole week, how was your week? I would love to hear from you!

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