Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February Wrap Up Plus RAK Wrap Up!!!!

February was a great month for me, I got to make a big announcement about my review being published in a book, and I read a lot of great books myself! Plus the blog got a brand new amazing look! So lets get on with my February Wrap up and welcome in March! 

Review: Illuminate by Aimee Agresti

Review: Illuminate by Aimee Agresti 

IN A GLANCE: Stunning, suspenseful and beautifully written, Illuminate is a great read.

Title: Illuminate
Author: Aimee Agresti
Publisher: Harcourt
Publish Date: 3/6/2012
Format: ARC Paperback
Pages: 544
ISBN #: 978-0-547-62614-7
Pre-Order This:  Amazon

Haven Terra is a brainy, shy high school outcast. But everything begins to change when she turns sixteen. Along with her best friend Dante and their quiet and brilliant classmate Lance, she is awarded a prestigious internship in the big city— Chicago—and is sent to live and work at a swanky and stylish hotel under the watchful eyes of a group of gorgeous and shockingly young-looking strangers: powerful and alluring hotel owner Aurelia Brown; her second-in-command, the dashing Lucian Grove; and their stunning but aloof staff of glamazons called The Outfit.
As Haven begins falling for Lucian, she discovers that these beautiful people are not quite what they seem. With the help of a mysterious book, she uncovers a network of secret passageways from the hotel’s jazz-age past that leads her to the heart of the evil agenda of Aurelia and company: they’re in the business of buying souls. Will they succeed in wooing Haven to join them in their recruitment efforts, or will she be able to thwart this devilish set’s plans to take the souls of her classmates on prom night at the hotel?
Illuminate is an exciting saga of a teen’s first taste of independence, her experience in the lap of luxury, and her discovery she may possess strength greater than she ever knew.

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where she spotlights upcoming releases.
This week I'm waiting on this amazing sounding book...

Monday, February 27, 2012

It's Monday...What Are You Reading?

Guess what...Its Monday! What are you reading this week? This is a weekly event to list the books completed last week, the books currently being reading, and the books to be finish this week. It is hosted by Book Journey. 
 What I Read Last Week...
Last week I read, Illuminate all week long and I'm almost finished with it!  This book is huge, but I am loving it!!
Reviews Posted Last Week...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

In My Mailbox #19

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi @ The Story Siren

Alright, I know I haven't posted one of these in a few weeks so my pile is a little high.  Check out my vlog and see what I mean! 

Book Vids I love!!!

Alright so lately I've come across some amazing videos that revolve around books, so I wanted to highlight a few of my favorites.  

Both of these vids I'm about to share I found on Facebook.  The first one is a bit long but trust me you will love it as much as I do!  I can't stop watching it!!!

Cover Crazy: Harper Teen Edition

The purpose of Cover Crazy is to feature a cover each week for us to admire its beauty. I really like this idea since there are so many great covers out there! Cover Crazy is a meme that was started by The Book Worms.
I'm going to share two covers with you this week.  Since I haven't done a Cover Crazy in a long time I figured two covers might help!  I have two covers from Harper Teen for you today.  Both these books come out very soon and they look amazing.  I'm so excited to read both.  So, lets see what you think about these two covers. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Book Vs. Movie... The Nanny Diaries

Book Vs. Movie is a feature that I started here on Ali's Bookshelf.  I hope you all enjoy it!...  

Book Vs. Movie: The Nanny Diaries Edition

First off let me start by saying, I enjoyed reading this book and watching this movie.  But, yes I said but, I actually enjoyed the movie more than the book! Shocking isn't it.  Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the book, but to me it was a bit long winded and I thought the nanny could have handled things a lot differently!

Title: The Nanny Diaries
St. Martin's Griffin
Date Published:  March 18th 2003
Pages:  306 pages
ISBN #:   0312291639
Buy This: Amazon

One young woman to take care of four-year-old boy. Must be cheerful, enthusiastic and selfless—bordering on masochistic. Must relish sixteen-hour shifts with a deliberately nap-deprived preschooler. Must love getting thrown up on, literally and figuratively, by everyone in his family. Must enjoy the delicious anticipation of ridiculously erratic pay. Mostly, must love being treated like fungus found growing out of employers Hermès bag. Those who take it personally need not apply.

Who wouldn’t want this job? Struggling to graduate from NYU and afford her microscopic studio apartment, Nanny takes a position caring for the only son of the wealthy X family. She rapidly learns the insane amount of juggling involved to ensure that a Park Avenue wife who doesn’t work, cook, clean, or raise her own child has a smooth day.

When the Xs marriage begins to disintegrate, Nanny ends up involved way beyond the bounds of human decency or good taste. Her tenure with the X family becomes a nearly impossible mission to maintain the mental health of their four-year-old, her own integrity and, most importantly, her sense of humor. Over nine tense months, Mrs. X and Nanny perform the age-old dance of decorum and power as they test the limits of modern-day servitude.

Follow Friday #9

This meme is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read

This Weeks Featured blogs are: 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Guest Post: A Book is Born by Rashad Freeman

A Book is born by Rashad Freeman

Hello my name is Rashad Freeman and in case you haven’t heard (not that you should have) I’m the author of Creature Kid.  Volume I:  The Teenage Chronicles is my first offering of what’s to be a five or possibly six book series.  The story follows a teenage boy who some very peculiar and life altering things happen to, which like the ripple affect end up changing the entire world. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A New Add to My Bookshelf

Title: The Underside of Joy
Author: Sere' Prince Halverson
Publisher:  Dutton
 Pub. date: January 12th 2012
Pages: 303 Pages
Find it: Amazon

Set against the backdrop of redwood forests and shimmering vineyards, Seré Prince Halverson's compelling debut tells the story of two women, bound by an unspeakable loss, who each claims to be the mother of the same two children.

To Ella Beene, happiness means living in the northern California river town of Elbow with her husband, Joe, and his two young children. Yet one summer day Joe breaks his own rule--never turn your back on the ocean--and a sleeper wave strikes him down, drowning not only the man but his many secrets.

For three years, Ella has been the only mother the kids have known and has believed that their biological mother, Paige, abandoned them. But when Paige shows up at the funeral, intent on reclaiming the children, Ella soon realizes there may be more to Paige and Joe's story. "Ella's the best thing that's happened to this family," say her Italian-American in-laws, for generations the proprietors of a local market. But their devotion quickly falters when the custody fight between mother and stepmother urgently and powerfully collides with Ella's quest for truth.

The Underside of Joy is not a fairy-tale version of stepmotherhood pitting good Ella against evil Paige, but an exploration of the complex relationship of two mothers. Their conflict uncovers a map of scars--both physical and emotional--to the families' deeply buried tragedies, including Italian internment camps during World War II and postpartum psychosis.

Weaving a rich fictional tapestry abundantly alive with the natural beauty of the novel's setting, Halverson is a captivating guide through the flora and fauna of human emotions.

Review: Don't Breath a Word by Holly Cupala

Review: Don't Breath A Word by Holly Cupala

IN A GLANCE: Stunning...loved this story. I haven't read a YA contemporary novel in a long time and this one was a perfect choice for my first one.

Title: Don't Breath A Word
Author: Holly Cupala
Published by: Harper Teen
Format: Ebook
ISBN #: 0061766690
Buy This: Amazon * Barnes and Noble*

Joy Delamere is suffocating...

From asthma, which has nearly claimed her life. From her parents, who will do anything to keep that from happening. From delectably dangerous Asher, who is smothering her from the inside out.

Joy can take his words - tender words, cruel words - until the night they go too far.

Now, Joy will leave everything behind to find the one who has offered his help, a homeless boy called Creed. She will become someone else. She will learn to survive. She will breathe... if only she can get to Creed before it’s too late.

Set against the gritty backdrop of Seattle’s streets and a cast of characters with secrets of their own, Holly Cupala’s powerful new novel explores the subtleties of abuse, the meaning of love, and how far a girl will go to discover her own strength.

Waiting on Wednesday...

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where she spotlights upcoming releases.
This week I'm waiting on this amazing sounding book...

Healing the Faith Giveaway: Winner's Announced!!!

Its time to announce the winners of the Healing the Faith Giveaway!!! YAY!!! Thanks to everyone who entered.

So lets get to it, the winner of the Ecopy of Healing the Faith and a signed bookmark is:

Jennifer Illnbert Garcia

And the winner of the signed bookmark is: 

Melvina Anthony

Ladies, as soon as you respond to the email I'm about to send you, I will email your info to the author Michele Richard.  She will contact you about getting your book or bookmark to you! Thanks again for entering.  Oh and you need to get back to me within 48 hours or I will pick another winner.  

Thanks again!!! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ali's Book Club

I am so excited about this, I am starting a book club!!! YAY!!! We are going to be meeting once a week and discuss a few chapters of a book.  I am working on a list of books that I would like to read together and then we all can decide what to read.  

If you would like to join in the fun, please click the Ali's Book Club button on my menu and it will take you to the new forum, make sure you join! I also started a FB group for it as well. 

I hope you all will join in and read with us! There will be another post soon on here about the book club.  I was just so excited about it that I had to post about it!

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
This week I'm reading Several books, but I want to give you a teaser from one that I am totally loving right now. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Its Monday...What Are You Reading??

Guess what...Its Monday! What are you reading this week? This is a weekly event to list the books completed last week, the books currently being reading, and the books to be finish this week. It is hosted by Book Journey. 

What I Read Last Week...

I didn't get any books finished last week, omg can you believe it.  I started a really long one though and Im trying really hard to finish it this week!!! 

Reviews Posted Last Week...

Its Time to Announce A Winner!!!

Its time to announce a winner!!! YAY! Another of my giveaways has ended and I have the winner to lets get to it.  (Well I had picked the first winner of this amazing book, but she had already won her copy off of another site that was giving it away. She asked that I choose another winner, so here we go!!!)

The winner of a copy of Julia's Child a Novel is....

Erica Haspiel Szlosek

YAY!!! Congrats.  Thanks so much for entering this giveaway everyone.  Lilian you have to reply to my email I just sent you within 48 hours.  If you don't I will have to pick another winner! 

And the Winner Is....

Alright its time to announce the winner of the Bookmark pack Giveaway!!!

And the winner is.... Miss Vain!!!!!

Congrats Miss Vain, you have till tomorrow the 21st at 12 PM EST to reply to my email so I can send you these great bookmarks!!! 

Thanks so much to everyone who entered.  

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Review: Thank You For Flying Air Zoe by Erik Atwell

Review: Thank You For Flying Air Zoe by Erik Atwell

IN A GLANCE: A near death experience could change everything. An exceptional read that defiantly gets you thinking.

   Title: Thank You For Flying Air Zoe
   Author: Erik Atwell
   Publisher: Booktrope
   ISBN #: 978-1-935961-178
   Format: Paperback
   Pages: 257
   Buy This: Amazon * Barnes and Noble

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fasten Seat Belt sign has been turned on, but feel free to ignore it, because sometimes life is best lived on its dizzy edges. Your cruising altitude today will be sky high, and you will be flying at staggering speeds as you travel alongside Zoe Tisdale, former Valley Girl and rock star turned bored butter saleswoman.On the heels of a brush with mortality, Zoe concludes that she's been letting time pass her by. Realizing she needs to awaken her life's tired refrains, Zoe vows to recapture the one chapter of her life that truly mattered to her - her days as drummer for The Flip-Flops, a spirited, sassy all-girl garage band that almost hit the big time back in 1987. But reuniting the band won't be easy. The girls who were once the whiz kid guitarist, the prom queen bass player, and the hippie lead singer grew up and became women who are now a reclusive dog trainer, a wealthy socialite, and a sociopathic environmentalist. Will Zoe bring the band back together and give The Flip-Flops a second chance at stardom? Is it possible to fully reclaim the urgent energy of youth?As you follow this wild flight path, please know that your destination could be anywhere at all, complimentary oxygen is provided upon request, and baggage flies free. We hope you enjoy the ride, and Thank You For Flying Air Zoe.

Thank You For Flying Air Zoe Tour

Hey everyone, I'm posting this a bit late, sorry! But my weekend was a bit crazy, had to rush my little one to the hospital but he's doing good now! So its time to start my posting of the Thank You For Flying Air Zoe Tour! 

Here is a bit of information about this great author of this Chic Lit book! Guess what its a man!!!! Yes a male wrote a amazing chic lit book!!! 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Review Copy Cleanup

I really want to participate in the Review Copy Cleanup, I'm actually really excited about it.  I have a pile of review books to read and that is what I will be doing in March! Reading review books!!! I figured since I'll be doing this it would be fun to enter the challenges and giveaways as well! So starting March 1st, that is what I will be doing.  

If you would like more information on this challenge check this post out!

I will be posting a list of books that I really want to read for this month long challenge on March 1st as well!!! 

Feature and Follow Friday #8

This meme is hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read

This Weeks Featured blogs are: 


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Guest Post fromTarah Dunn


For weeks, I’ve been surrounded by death. Now, granted, it’s fictional: no one close to me has passed. But when a character in the novel I’m reading meets a grisly end, there’s a little part of me that experiences that death as though it were real. Like any devoted reader, I live in the universe that a book creates. When that universe is full of bad, scary and evil events, your view of the world temporarily darkens.

In certain procedurals, there comes a moment when the police enter the killer’s lair, only to discover that he reads as much about violence as he commits it. These days my lair (aka my office) is becoming more serial killer-esque by the day. I swear I’m not a demented maniac—I’m just writing a book about one.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Review: Life is More Than Candy Hearts by Michele Richard, Laura Braley and Lisa Bilbrey

Review: Life is More Than Candy Hearts by Michele Richard, Laura Braley and Lisa Bilbrey

IN A GLANCE: A stupendous book, filled with three great love stories that tells the tale of three amazing couples as they fall for each other.

Title: Life is More Than Candy Hearts
Authors: Lisa Bilbrey, Laura Braley and Michele Richard
Publisher: Renaissance Romance Publishing
Format: Ebook
Buy This: Amazon * Smashwords

Life is More Than Candy Hearts

A Valentine's Day collection of short stories by Michele Richard, Lisa Bilbrey, And Laura Braley

Changes of the Heart:

When you're left with nothing at all, all you have left is to rebuild. Can losing everything bring two people together to make a new family?

Gabe Lost his family on 9/11 and himself in the process. Juliette was left homeless with a small child after the child's father abandoned them.

Will an icy collision bring these two to a happily ever after or are they too broken?

Life's Unexpected Gifts:

With the recent loss of her father, Emma Dawson struggled to get through each day. When she starts receiving gifts from a secret admirer, she’s forced to reevaluate everything she thought she knew.

Will she be able to open her heart to the mystery man of her dreams, or will a blast from the past sweep her off her feet? Could they be one in the same?

Smoky Rooms:

Chance Lassiter is a former rock star on the verge of a new start, after he let the excesses of the music industry lure him into ruin the first time around.

Lindsay Brandon is a former actress trying to rediscover the person she once was before a change of circumstances forced her to make a decision that destroyed her spirit.

A series of mistakes and bad choices have brought their lives to where they are. Can a chance meeting filled with introspection, one lonely night in a smoke-filled corner bar, help them accept the mistakes from their pasts and move toward the future together?

Review: Changes of the Heart by Michele Richard (Life is More Than Candy Hearts)

Review: Changes of the Heart by Michele Richard

IN A GLANCE: Even thought Changes of the Heart is a short story, this one blew me away. With very realistic main characters and a very creative plot, Changes of the Heart is a fantastic Romance for the Romance lovers.

Title: Changes of the Heart (Life is More Than Candy Hearts)
Author: Michele Richard
Publisher: Renaissance Romance Publishing
Format: Ebook
Buy This: Amazon * Smashwords

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Review: Smoky Rooms by Laura Braley (Life is More Than Candy Hearts)

Review: Smoky Rooms by Laura Braley
IN A GLANCE: Girl meets boy in a bar, but Smoky Rooms isn't your every day Fairy Tale. Each of them have a troubled past. Will they both be able to move beyond their pain and love again?

Title: Smoky Rooms (Life is More Than Candy Hearts)
Author: Laura Braley
Publisher: Renaissance Romance Publishing
Format: Ebook
Buy This: Amazon * Smashwords *

Review: Lifes Unexpected Gifts by Lisa Bilbrey (Life is More Than Candy Hearts)

Review: Life's Unexpected Gifts by Lisa Bilbrey (Life is More Than Candy Hearts)

IN A GLANCE: Splendid... Sweet story of falling in love with someone that has been right in front of your face the whole time.

Title: Life is More Than Candy Hearts: Life's Unexpected Gifts
Author: Lisa Bibrey
Publisher: Renaissance Romance Publishing
Format: Ebook
Buy This: Amazon * Smashwords

Teaser Tuesday

 Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
This week I'm reading Several books, but I want to give you a teaser from one that I am totally loving right now.

 Bram regarded me with soft eyes. He took a deep chest-expanding breath, and when the air came out, he said, "I'm dead, Nora." I slowly reached up and touched his bottom lip. He didn't fight it as I traced his lips, his chin, the top half of his throat. He kissed my satin-robed wrist, over the glove's buttoned opening, and dropped my hand. In the moment, I found him fully, absolutely beautiful.

Oops that was a bit more than two sentences, but I couldn't help it.  I love this part of the book! I am so excited reading this one.  

So its your turn, leave me a little tease of the book your reading in the comment section below! I love knowing what others are reading.  Have a great day everyone!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

It's Monday...What are You Reading

Guess what...Its Monday! What are you reading this week? This is a weekly event to list the books completed last week, the books currently being reading, and the books to be finish this week. It is hosted by Book Journey. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

On My Wishlist # 7

On My Wishlist is a Meme hosted by Book Chick City

On My Wishlist is a weekly meme that allows us to share the books we haven't bought yet but are waiting to be bought and devoured. If you are anything like me then your wishlist is getting longer by the day! If you would like to take part and have your own 'On My Wishlist' post then you can find more info here. (This post was inspired by the fab In My Mailbox by Kristi at The Story Siren)

My On My Wishlist includes books that are older and already out and ones that are brand new or not even out yet! So lets get to it.  Today I bring you 5 books that I am dying to get my hands on!  I will be updating these when I get any of these books...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Julia's Child Blog Tour: Review and Giveaway

Review: Julia's Child A Novel by Sarah Pinneo

IN A GLANCE: A inspiring story about a woman's courage and standing up for what she believes in and wants. A story about juggling career and family.

Title: Julia's Child a Novel 
Author: Sarah Pinneo
Authors Website:
Publisher: Plume
Pages: 279 
ISBN #: 978-0-452-29731-9

A delectable comedy for every woman who's ever wondered if buying that six-dollar box of organic crackers makes her a hero or a sucker. Julia Bailey is a mompreneur with too many principles and too little time. Her fledgling company, Julia's Child, makes organic toddler meals like Gentle Lentil and Give Peas a Chance. But turning a profit while saving the world proves tricky as Julia must face a ninety-two-pound TV diva, an ill-timed protest rally, and a room full of one hundred lactating breasts. Will she get her big break before her family reaches the breaking point? In the end, it is a story about motherhood's choices: organic versus local, paper versus plastic, staying at home versus risking it all. A cookbook author's hilarious fiction debut, "Julia's Child" will have foodies and all-natural mamas alike laughing, cheering, and asking for more.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Book Vs. Movie... A New Feature here on the blog!

The above picture is why I wanted to do this feature, you can never judge a book by its movie.  I want to start doing reviews that are for books that are turned into Movies and I will review both of them.  It think it will be a new and fun feature here on Ali's Bookshelf.  I'm working on a few reviews already so make sure you watch out for those to come!!! 

I hope you all will enjoy these reviews.  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where she spotlights upcoming releases.
This week I'm waiting on this amazing sounding book...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Thanks Goes out to Michele Richards

A huge Thanks goes out to Michele Richard's for being here today with us and for sharing her amazing books with us.  I'm so happy to have the chance to know you and to read your stupendous books. 

I hope everyone that reads all the posts from today will head over and preorder Healing the Faith and I hope you all have a great day!!!

Thanks again!!!

Healing the Faith blog Tour: Giveaway!!!

Its time for a giveaway!!! Michele Richard has been amazing and has offered up a Ecopy of Healing the Faith and two signed bookmarks as well.  So We will have two winners.  

One winner will win a Ebook of Healing the Faith and a Bookmark then the other winner will just win the bookmark.  

All you have to do is fill out the rafflecopter below.  This is for US residents only!!!! 

Healing the Faith Blog Tour: Character Interview

Its time for a great interview!!!

First of all I want to thank these two incredible characters for being here with us today.  Thanks for agreeing to answer some questions for me.  Would everyone please Welcome Alexia and Justin!

Hello everyone. Thanks for letting pop by. *Justin  sits, pulling Alexia to sit next to him* This is our first interview together. Alexia is a little nervous.” *she giggles to him* “So shoot away.”

Reveiw: Healing the Faith by Michele Richard

Review: Healing the Faith by Michele Richard

IN A GLANCE: Michele Richard does it again! Healing the Faith is a touching and powerful story about overcoming fear, your past, and the feelings of inadequacy. Healing the Faith is a must read of 2012!

Title: Mocked By Faith Healing the Faith
Author: Michele Richard
Publisher: TWCS Publishing
ISBN #: 978-1-61213-072-9
Format: ARC Copy
Publication date: Feb 9, 2012
Pre-OrderThis: TWCS Publishing 

Just saying “I do” was only the beginning for Alexia and Justin McNear. Now when their lives, loves, and faith are left in turmoil, they will have to fight even harder to heal themselves and their faith. Can two people already struggling help heal the communities they call home? How do you rebuild after the loss of a child? After suffering a tragedy, are these two lost to each other forever? With all the church’s money missing, the hunt for the tyrant will take Mark, an exminister, Justin, and his twin cousins away from their secluded, gated community and into the real world while leaving their wives behind to pick up the pieces. Can Justin survive it again? Or will returning to the retreat that once abused him be his end? Alexia, Madison, and Ginger will need to be strong and independent with their men gone. Left to raise their child alone, Alexia will make decisions that will affect their marriage and lives. Will they be the right ones? Raised in a community where the men run everything, these three families will have to fight to survive the coming changes. The temptations run high in this sequel to Mocked by Faith, but hope is not lost, and they will learn how to heal their faith.

My Review: 

Healing the Faith is a magnificent installment for the next phase in this incredible series.  The characters are well developed through their experiences and their lives.  The turmoil throughout this book carried a duality of emotion that makes you want to cry one second and laugh the next.  There needs to be more books like this one, a book that makes you embrace their hardships and root for the characters to succeed in their journey to better themselves.  Michele Richard is an amazing author who brings these immense illustrations to life and delivers the story in book form to us!

The reader should be able to relate to these characters in Healing the Faith, making the book come to life before your eyes.  This is one reason I keep coming back to Richard’s books.  One major topic in this book that most of us can relate to is the feeling of inadequacy!  Sometimes this feeling creeps up on us and it is hard to shake that feeling that we are not good enough…  This is one primary concern between the two main characters and their journey to cope with this issue.

Time and time again, Alexia gets her poor heartbroken... In Healing the Faith it’s not any different; her heart is shredded to pieces when her husband takes off to fight one of his own dark demons.  She should of course support her husband’s need to battle for the churches’ money. But, instead she starts to feel like she is inadequate, this emotion makes her believe that she is not enough to keep her husband (Justin) at home and remain in love with her.

Justin fights against his haunting past and the curse of human nature in this tremendous book.  He goes off to search for this ‘minister’ who stole all the churches money and who is responsible for Justin hurtful and horrifying past.  Justin’s voyage is something he feels that he must do, so he goes off, leaving his wife and son at home to pick up the pieces.

In the first book Mocked by Faith Justin and Alexia get married and start their lives.  Now in Healing the Faith, it is about them taking the next steps in life, but we all misstep right? I love how in this book you see them both fight to keep it all together!  The books that show flawed characters are the best, because nobody is perfect and these two main characters are no exception to the rule.

I loved this book for how different it is; it was not all about their love, it was about each of them growing as people themselves, letting themselves love the other, and trusting themselves to be good enough for the other. 

It’s one of those books that from cover to cover you will be immersed in the characters lives and you will not want the book to end. I read Healing the Faith in about four hours, I could not stop reading and I know you all will feel the same way about it when you read Alexia’s and Justin’s journey through Healing the Faith!

My Recommendation: 

I would definitely recommend this book for anyone who has read Mocked by Faith.  Its a perfect second book to this story.  As for age recommendation I would say anyone 18 and up for this great book! It's an adult contemporary book so I agree with the authors age recommendation on this one.

My Rating: 
Do you really have to ask... I give Healing the Faith a definite...

Plot: 20/20
Characters: 20/20
Writing: 20/20
Creativity: 20/20
Ending: 10/10
Cover: 10/10
100 out of 100 = 5 Puppies

I cannot wait for more of this series and these great characters.  Michele Richard’s is a top notch author in my book and this spectacular book is already at the top of my best books of 2012 list!

Healing the Faith Tour: Special Announcement!!!

I am so excited about this and I just had to show this part now lol.  I wanted to wait till after my review was posted, but now is the time to let you in on a little secret. I can't wait any longer to share this news with all of you!!!!

 Isn't that so cool!!! Alright so next will be the post with my review for Michele's book.  Make sure you head over and pre-order your copy of her amazing book!!!! 

Go... hurry up and pre-order your copy!!!

Blog Tour: Healing the Faith Book and Author Info

About the Book: 

Just saying “I do” was only the beginning for Alexia and Justin McNear. Now when their lives, loves, and faith are left in turmoil, they will have to fight even harder to heal themselves and their faith. Can two people already struggling help heal the communities they call home? How do you rebuild after the loss of a child? After suffering a tragedy, are these two lost to each other forever?
With all the church’s money missing, the hunt for the tyrant will take Mark, an exminister, Justin, and his twin cousins away from their secluded, gated community and into the real world while leaving their wives behind to pick up the pieces. Can Justin survive it again?
Or will returning to the retreat that once abused him be his end?
Alexia, Madison, and Ginger will need to be strong and independent with their men gone. Left to raise their child alone, Alexia will make decisions that will affect their marriage and lives. Will they be the right ones?
Raised in a community where the men run everything, these three families will have to fight to survive the coming changes. The temptations run high in this sequel to Mocked by Faith, but hope is not lost, and they will learn how to heal their faith.

Blog Tour: Healing the Faith

Today is going to be a great day! Today here on the blog we have a blog tour for the amazing book Healing the Faith (Mocked by Faith) by Michele Richard.  This is going to be a whole day event here on Ali's Bookshelf.  

I have several posts to share with you, a character interview with both Justin and Alexia from this incredible story, I have a special announcement about this book, I have my review to post and some information about the author as well, then finally we have a giveaway where you will have a chance to win a e-copy of Healing the Faith and 2 bookmarks (signed).  

I'm going to go ahead real fast and Thank Michele Richard for being with us today and for allowing me to read/review her amazing book.  Also a huge thanks goes out to Justin and Alexia for joining us as well!!! 

So lets sit back and get ready for this exciting day here on Ali's Bookshelf!!!

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