I got to see the amazing Katie McGarry and to chat with her again. Love her books and she is so sweet. Since I've started my business and career as a Literary agent, I wasn't there just as a blogger this year, which was fantastic. Thanks to Katie, I got to meet her editor at Harlequin teen. Thanks again Katie for introducing us. Also got to see Kristen Simmons for a bit, but sadly she had to leave early and I didn't get to talk to her that much. I love getting to see her though, she's a great author and fantastic person.

Of course, the amazing and sweetest author in the world is Lori Foster, who is the author that puts this event on. I love chatting with her as well, this event raises money for some great charities as well, which is just one of the million reasons I love this convention.
This year there were some great parties as well, one of which I got to dress up for. It was a Wizard of Oz party and you all know how much I love steampunk, so I went as Steampunk Dorothy!
Had so much fun at this event, so many people dressed up and that made it so much fun. There was a DJ and trivia as well. Toni Blake was one of the authors that sponsored this party and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next year.
All in all, the event was a blast and I got to spend the weekend with great friends, my mother and fantastic books! I can't wait for next year!
More images from #RAGT2015
Oh and before I forget, I must mention the amazing food and the bar! The same waiter/bartender has been there for several years, yep he's amazing. Got the pretzels this year and loved them so much.
This is one event I will keep going to every year! I love it that much and have that much fun. I think next year though I'm getting a room for three days instead of just the two.