Book Blogger Hop is another post I'm going to be trying out and this one
has a topic each week, which is something I've been trying to bring to
the blog. I'm really excited about this one because I have a hard time
coming up with something fresh to talk about and I'm hoping this
If you would be interested in doing your own post, please CLICK HERE to learn more about this great hop!
This Week's Question:
Do others come to you for book recommendations?
I would like to think that people come to this blog for book recommendations, but I'm not really sure. As for in the real world, yes people come to me all the time for book recommendations. Most of my friends know what I do for a living and what I do here on the blog. So they are always asking me what to read next.
Angelica · 508 weeks ago
Was it hard to start in the publishing business, I'd love to work in an industry to do with books :(
My Friday Hops post.