Author: Lisa Moore, Brant Fowler (and others)
Publisher: Sandbox Comic's
Published: February 3rd, 2011
Format: Kindle
ISBN: 9781106919359

The debut issue from Sandbox Comics, Spy6teen-- which originally appeared on Zuda, bursts into an on-going series! CallyCalhoon wants to be a model student, but that's not easy when herafter school job is with a secret government unit called THE QUAD! Hi-Spy espionage before the first bell rings!
This review is going to be a bit short, mainly because I'm marking this as a DNF. I was really excited to read this graphic novel, its the main reason I had requested it from Netgalley, but once I started reading I had to force myself to even read beyond the second page.
The graphics didn't grab my attention and the storyline itself was more than boring. There was no plot and honestly the main character wasn't one that I wanted to read more of. What little storyline there was, honestly was something that I've seen time and time again. I found myself yawning when reading it and I forced myself to read a few pages. I couldn't however force myself to read more than three pages. By that time I had rolled my eyes at it enough for me to put it down and delete it off of my Kindle.
I don't feel right really rating this one, so I'm not going too. But this one just wasn't worth my time. I couldn't even find it on Amazon.
Here at Ali's Bookshelf we accept books in exchange for a honest review. The book above came from the publisher through Netgalley. We also use Amazon Affiliate links at times