Title: Enclave
Author: Ann Aguirre
Series: Razorland #1
Series: Razorland #1
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Pages: 259 pages
Format: Hardcover
Published Date: April 12th, 2011
ISBN #: 0312650086
Genre: Young Adult/ Dystopian

New York City residents, decimated by war and plague, live underground in Enclaves, barely past age 20. Deuce 15, trained as Huntress, pairs with odd Fade, who was boy Topside. Elders ignore warning, exile both. Monster Freaks, more organized, killed nearest Enclave. Guided by old memories, in gang-infested ruins, pair face apocalyptic world with new dangers and feelings.
First off, I want to mention that I haven't been reading Dystopian books in awhile mainly because I was burnt out on them, but for a TBR challenge, I picked this one up because it had been on my shelf for a long time. As I was reading, I was pulled into the world right away and that was mainly because of the authors way of describing the way the people in the book had to live.
My favorite character throughout this book has got to be Deuce. She's braver than she thinks and even gives herself credit for. She's strong and I love that about a female lead character. Yes, Fade is fantastic and I love him as well, but Deuce is still my favorite. I'm actually really excited to read the next one in this series, mainly because I want to know what happens to her.
The world author Ann Aguire built for this book is fantastic, they end up living under ground because they were told that the world above was a waste land full of monsters, that to me seem more like zombies, but that's probably because I love zombies right now. There are many other strong characters in this book and I loved the friendships that Deuce has in the beginning and the ones she builds throughout the story. I'm really not sure I could live in the cave like they did though or follow the rules that they had to follow. No touching and no matting unless that was your job. In that part this book kind of reminded me of The Giver, but there is so much more action in this book than most dystopian books I've read.
Another thing I really loved about Enclave is that the romance isn't the center of attention, the action in this book is and the story about Deuce herself. Time after time I get really annoyed by how romance is always the most important thing in young adult books, in this one that isn't the case.
Another thing I really loved about Enclave is that the romance isn't the center of attention, the action in this book is and the story about Deuce herself. Time after time I get really annoyed by how romance is always the most important thing in young adult books, in this one that isn't the case.
The twists and turns of this book are just another great reason why I couldn't put this down, I wasn't sure where the author was going to take it till the end of the first book and if I'm being honest I have no idea where the second will go. I do know one thing I can't wait to find out.
My favorite line from this book is simply that...one line.
“I never belonged anywhere until I met you.”
I would recommend this book to anyone that likes dystopian books or anyone that loves a lot of action in the books they read. If you want a book that will pull you in right away, this is the book for you.
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