I can't believe it's already over! Why isn't there more time? Anyway, I did get a lot acomplished this time around. Not everything I wanted to get done, but most of it. Below is my list of accomplishments for this Bloggiesta. Oh and I still have two more hours so I might get more done. *Snickers*
To Do List
(This was my main to do list)
- Write and schedule 6 reviews (I finished 4 reviews and scheduled them to post. I have the other two started in my draft box. )
Add new Reading challenges to my sidebar and blogUpdate Goodreads reviews and to be read listDo 4 to 5 of the mini challengesComment on other Bloggiesta participants blogsParticipate in at least 1 twitter chatSchedule 3 weeks worth of posts- Update my spreadsheets (TBR, On my shelves, etc) (I started working on this but didn't finish. It's an ongoing task though.)
Update my year challengesAdd a Pinterest board for all the books I've read this year.
I hope everyone had a great time and got a lot done.
Andrea · 496 weeks ago
bookwormwhit 17p · 496 weeks ago