Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Teaser Tuesday #126

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Books and a Beat. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser

 "Another hour, and we'll reach the inn." Celia seemed to believe if she always spoke with patience, the trait would inevitably rub off on me. I doubted that. To her credit, although she was only two years older, Celia had been patient with me for a year, a record for any lady in my service.

This one is released today! If you haven't gotten your copy today, go get it ASAP! 


Monday, February 26, 2018

Ali Talks: Books Being Adapted To Movie That I'm Dying to See

So I've been thinking of posting this post for a few months, but haven't gotten around to it. Today is the day though I think. Let's talk about a few movies that I'm excited about, mainly because I loved the book! 

The first one I have to talk about actually comes out at the end of March and to say I'm excited about this movie is an understatement. I'm actually excited and a little nervous, though the trailer looks amazing I'm still worried they will screw it up somehow. What book am I talking about you may ask, well I'm talking about this one...

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is one of my all time favorite books, if you know me you know that my all time favorite book is The Outsiders and Ready Player One is right up there with the Outsiders for me. It's amazing, jam packed full of adventure and the perfect amount of nostalgia
from the 80's and 90's even. If you haven't picked this one up, it's a must. You can read the rest of my full review HERE.

But anyway, if you haven't seen the trailer, take a look! 

What do you think? Doesn't it look amazing? 



I seriously can't wait to see what they do with this movie. I also would love it is Ernest Cline would write a sequeal, but then again most of the time I hate sequeals. So I'm not really sure about that.

Okay on to the next movie I want to talk about and it's for a book that I'm reading right now and loving. You probably can guess this one because so many book people in the community are talking about it and if you don't know this one, you really should read the book.

A Wrinkle in Time is a book that I've been wanting to read for a long time and I finally picked up a copy for myself about a month ago. I was super excited to start it and now I can't put it down. Which of course makes me really excited to see the movie. Not to mention the cast alone making me giddy with joy to see this one. Take a look for yourself.

Thoughts? Anyone as excited about this movie as I am? 


These are only two of the amazing movies that are coming out that are based on books this year, I'm thinking about making a few more posts like this in the future. But for now these are the two that I'm most excited about right now.  Are there any that you're excited about? Please let me know in the comments below. 


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Week In A Glance

Ali's Week at a Glance is where I get to share with you somethings that aren't blog related and showcase books I've received this week as well as ones I've read. I also like to add a few other things to this post as well every week.

So this past week was pretty normal other than all the freakin rain! Last weekend though was so much fun. Took a small day trip down in Kentucky to the Jim Beam distillary and took the two hour tour to see how everything was made. Even got to bottle my own bottle and had my named etched on it. Thought it was really cool and had a great time. Of course I had a few drinks to go along with that as well. Must say Jim Beam Apple is really good!!! 

Other than that it's been a pretty easy week. Oh and I did get a chance to finally see the movie Wonder and LOVED IT! I cried so much during that movie, but honestly I can't wait to read the book. (Probably should have done that first but oh well!) 

This week I'm going to just skip the book haul part because I am actually going to do a whole post about the books I've recieved. So let's just jump right into upcoming reviews! 

Next month we have reviews for Scythe and Otherworld along with a few mini me corner reviews as well. So keep an eye out for those. I will also be posting reviews for the Wayward Children books. Which I'm loving so far I must say. 

My main goal this month for FitReaders was to take better care of myself and I've done pretty good so far. I am still getting my 10,000 steps a day in and I'm thinking of moving that up to 15,000 for April. Not sure yet though. 

I posted a lot of pictures on Instagram this past week, but my favorite would have to be this one. Mainly because it's of my set up in my Bullet Journal for March! I'm loving all the colors! If you don't know I use a Bullet Journal to stay organized and even my blog organization is now been moved into my Bullet Journal.

Though this one would come in close second.  Mainly Because I had so much fun that day at Jim Beam.


That's pretty much my whole week, how was your week? I would love to hear from you!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Blog Tour: What Time Is It There? Spotlight and Giveaway

Just over a year ago, Bean and Zak headed for colleges two thousand miles apart, promising to write, but to see other people … until Bean fell for the wrong guy and Zak fell off the planet.

Now, Bean’s got two weeks’ worth of Zak’s year-old letters that she still can’t bear to open—and a broken heart. Her new best friend, a guy named Amp, wants her to read the letters and be done with it, but he may have his own reasons for that.

When Sam shows up at Bean’s school unexpectedly and Bean tumbles into the 19th century from the cellar of a ruined church, things start making a bizarre kind of sense. That is, if she can just fit all the pieces together again…let's see--there's a cult...and the Flying Singing Angel With No Feet...and of course, The Grateful Dead...

Purchase Links:


Excerpt one:

I will never, ever forgive myself, thought Bean, and allowed herself to daydream once more about the gorgeous guy’s shirt she’d seen at Constant Karma in Stormkill.  It was green and blue and printed with elephants walking trunk to tail.  Zak would have loved it…but she had absolutely no idea where he was.  There were rumors he’d dropped out of college, like Sam. Call his mother and ask?  She simply couldn’t!
I bet he found someone else, Bean thought.  I went silent and didn’t say why.  He’ll never want to hear from me again. Ever.   Downstairs, Tone and Julia were listening to opera. She shut her door.
She pulled the stack of Zak’s unopened letters out of her suitcase, and even though they might contain a hint of what had happened, she couldn’t bear to open even one.  Instead, she got out her guitar and began dropping it into an open D tuning for Joni Mitchell’s Marcie. There was probably a no less Christmas-y song in the world.
As for Zak’s letters, Bean brought them back to college with her.  And home again at the end of the year.  And then back to school for her sophomore year: still sealed, every last one.

Christine Potter is a writer and poet who lives in a very old (haunted) house on a creek in Rockland County. She has an organist/choirdirector husband (Ken) and two spoiled tom cats. One of the house's two ghosts lives in the room behind her office.

Christine's newest book is a YA time travel novel, What Time Is It There? (The Bean Books, Book 3), newly released by Evernight Teen. The first book in the series is Time Runs Away With Her, and the second is In Her Own Time.

Her two poetry collections are Zero Degrees at First Light (2006) and Sheltering in Place (2013). She has also had poems published in Rattle, Fugue, The Irish Examiner, HOOT, Eclectica, and The Pedestal, among other magazines. Her third book of poems, Unforgetting, is due out this spring from Kelsay Books.


  • ·         One (1) winner will receive a paperback copy of all 3 books in the series and a tie-dyed scarf (INT)
  • ·         Two (2) winners will receive digital copies of all 3 books in the series (INT)



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