Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Do you Review Every Book You Get??? Why or Why not

It's time for another discussion post and this time it's a topic I've been seeing a lot about on Facebook recently.  Authors getting upset about the amount of review copies being sent out and bloggers/reviewers not posting the review in what they see as a timely manor.  So I wanted to do a discussion about this topic and hopefully get some of you talking about it in the comments.


Alright, so let's start with the main question, I try to review as many books as I can.  That's the easiest answer I can give.  When I first started this blog, I was killing myself reviewing every single book I got for review.  That means from Netgalley, in the mai1, and even books that I hadn't asked for.  After awhile it made me start to feel like reading was a job and it took all the fun out of it for me.  That's not how I want to feel about reading, so I changed my rules a bit and started to keep track of every book that came into my house, the ones I bought, ones I requested, and the ones that I didn't request.  It took a bit to get it all organized, (between me and you it's still not perfect.) but now I only review the books that I asked for personally.

Now let's get down to the tricky part, do I review all of those books, I'm talking about all the ones I have requested.  Again the words are I try! It might take me awhile, but I do try to get a review up at some point.  Blogging/Reviewing is a hobby for me, it's not my job, so therefore I read on my own time and I review on my own time.  I don't think it's okay for authors to put a stipulation on a reviewer telling them when to read their book and when to have the review posted. (Again I'm not talking about blog tours here, that's a whole different story.)

The main reason I wanted to do this post so much is because the other day I saw an author go on this huge rant about sending out all these review copies and getting one or two reviews and that's it.  Authors, what you really need to realize is this, blogging/reviewing is to most of us, just a hobby.  We don't get paid for our reviews. So please, stop getting upset when we don't have a review up, in what you see as an appropriate time frame.  I have about 50 authors offering me review copies in my inbox every single day, I don't accept most of them, but some of them I do.  It just takes time for me to review some of the books. 

Also in my review policy it states that I don't review all books that I get for review, but sometimes I still highlight those books in one way or another on my blog.  I could honestly continue to go on and on about this subject, but I think I'm going to stop here and see what you think. 

Leave me a comment below and let me know if you review all books you receive, if so how in the world do you do it?  If not, what made you decide to make this your policy?  Do you think it's okay for authors to be upset about reviews or pressure bloggers about their review?

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