Mini Blog Ahead two week challenge is a 2 week version to help get everyone ready for Summer vacation! I'm super excited about this challenge mainly because I've been trying to do this and keep up with it, but here lately I have failed at it. So I'm going to join this mini challenge and see what I can do to change that. This challenge is being hosted by Herding Cats & Burning Soup.
If you would like to join in, here is the information for you.
The Goal!
To create a 2 week blogging buffer by increasing your total number of scheduled blog posts by 14.
If you start the challenge with 20 scheduled posts...
you finish the challenge with 34 scheduled posts.
What Counts??
Any posts that are completely finished and ready to go live.
This can be weekly memes like Waiting on Wednesday, Cat Thursday,
book/product reviews, author guest posts, discussion topics, etc.
They don't have to be book related.
Who Can Join?
Anyone! Really. New to blogging or seasoned bloggers.
It's fine if books aren't your main theme.
It's even okay if you don't think you can hit 14 extra scheduled posts in 2 weeks.
Even if you only get 1-2 extra posts scheduled that's still a great thing, right?
To Sign Up!
As always...
acade 61p · 519 weeks ago