Opposites Book Tag
Again this is something new I want to start posting, I've seen so many of these on YouTube and I'm learning how to make vids, but in the mean time I want to start doing some book tags here on Ali's Bookshelf. The one I have chosen to do today is called the Opposites Book Tag. I haven't been tagged in it, but it looks like so much fun! In the mean time, I'm going to take pictures of each of these books that pertain to the questions and post them on Instagram as well as this post. (Vids will be coming soon, as soon as I can learn how to edit them lol.) Enjoy!!
4. A book you read quickly/A book that took you long to read.
8. A fiction book/A non-fiction book.
(I don't read non-fiction, so therefore there isn't a single one on my bookshelf)
10. A book that made you happy/One that made you sad.
I had a lot of fun taking these images and figuring out which book went with what category. Think I might do more of these book tags. I'm not going to really tag anyone, but if you are a book blogger and would like to do this tag, please do it was a blast!
nmhewitt 98p · 520 weeks ago
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
AlisBookshelf 69p · 520 weeks ago