Min Me Corner is a post I created here on the blog, it's a place where I
can showcase Children's books that I have read with my kids. This week
we have one that Scholastic sent to us that my daughter fell in love with.
Princesses Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Rapunzel swap fairy tales with one another in this hilariously clever new classic! Once upon a time, four fairy tale misses, tired of dwarves, witches, princes, and kisses, so bored and fed up, or just ready to flop, upped and left home for a fairy tale swap. What happens when Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Rapunzel get so fed up with their fairy tales that they decide to switch places with one another? Hilarity ensues in this clever, rhyming story about whether the grass really is greener at someone else's castle. Author Stephanie Clarkson crafts an incredibly witty manuscript, with rhymes that shine and predicaments that will make little girls everywhere laugh out loud, as illustrator Brigette Barrager brings these beautiful princesses to life with her rich, warm colors and charming retro-girl style!
Like I said above this book is one that I wasn't sure my daughter would love, but she ended up reading it a few times and loves it. Here lately, she hasn't wanted to read the books for younger children, she's more into the chapter books or middle grade books. So I was happy when I received this one from Scholastic and she loved it.
The best part about this book is that I enjoyed reading it with her. It's a cute look at what the life's of the princesses could have been if they didn't live in a tower or eat that apple. I loved how they connected each princess and their story. Sleeping Cinderella is an adorable retelling and it's a great starting point for my upcoming Retellings week that I'm planning here on the blog.
The illustrations are also adorable and I couldn't stop laughing as my daughter laughed at the dwarfs and how Snow White just up and left them because they were way to messy. Authors Stephanie Clarkson and Bridgette Barrager did a fabulous job with this one and I can't wait to read more children's books written by these two.
Sleeping Cinderella deserves this rating of...
I want to thank Scholastic Press for sending us this book for review and thank them for continuing to put out quality Children's books!
Angela · 518 weeks ago