So it's day three of Bloggiesta and I feel like I'm off to a good start, I
knocked a few things off my list yesterday and now it's time to do the
same today. Below is my to do list for today and hopefully I can
accomplish each thing. As I go along throughout the day, I will mark
each one off as I finish the task. Also if there's a task that I don't finish the day before, it will be the first thing I work on the next day.
To learn more about Bloggiesta: CLICK HERE
To Do List
Post a Daily update on how I'm doing throughout the week - Work on Upcoming Giveaway posts
- Set up my post schedule for April and then add at least one personal post in there
Complete 1 mini challenge(Organizing ARCS)- Schedule 1 Week Worth of Posts
destinyisntfree 14p · 470 weeks ago
Lisa @ Just Another Rabid Reader
AlisBookshelf 69p · 470 weeks ago