No, I'm not doing the old meme In My Mailbox, this is going to be a new type of post here on the blog. Here lately I've been bullet journaling, as you probably know from a few of my previous posts, well with that I joined a group on Facebook for Pen Pals that Bullet Journal. I was super excited about the idea of pen pals and had always wanted one, so I joined and have had a blast ever since.
Anyway, this post will be where I showcase some of the great things I get and some of the stuff I'm sending out. So far I've enjoyed being part of the pen paling community! I've received things from Italy, England, the Netherlands, and all over the US. It's a great way to get to know people and about other places around the world. Plus, I had the above sticker just sitting in my image folder doing nothing and thought why not use it!
This is a Mail Tag that I made from some scraps and washi tape (I must say right now, that I love washi tape!) If you don't know what a mail tag is, it's what we use to gather extra little pieces of information from/about our pen pals.)

This is a flip book that I'll be sending out tomorrow actually, it will be on it's way to North Carolina. I love sending out these flip books, actually the one above was my favorite so far to make. It's made out of an file folder, if you couldn't tell. It has a really cool pocket in the middle that the letter will go in.
This is another flip book that I created. Again I love this one so much. It's actually the second one I've made.
Also this week, I have four other letters going out. I'll make sure to take pictures of those for you and share those next week.
If you would like to see more of these type of posts, please let me know in the comments below. I really would like to share other things that interest me on this blog, so I'm hoping you all enjoy these type of things.