I was so excited when Stephen Zimmer asked me to be on the Literary track. I was excited and nervous lol. I had never been to a Con and I had defiantly never been on a panel before. So I was a bit nervous once I actually got there and seen how huge it was. But the best part is everyone made me feel right at home and my nerves just disappeared. Fandom Fest was a blast, very on the go the whole time, but worth every single minute. I got to meet so many new authors that I hadn't heard of and made so many new friends.
I want to thank Stephen Zimmer for inviting me to Fandom Fest and to everyone else thanks for making my weekend one I will never forget. Thanks for making me feel like Family!!!
Now lets actually get down to business of sharing pictures and everything lol. I have made a few vids all about Fandom Fest; First time being a panelist, the books I got signed, and the swag I got! I hope you enjoy them. Then I also have some great pictures to show you as well!!!
Bitten by Books is one of my favorite blogs that I follow and seriously fan girled Rachel lol. I couldn't help it. I want to thank Rachel for answering the one question I had for her!!! Your seriously a amazing person and blogger!!!
Next I want to say hey to Alexx Mom Cat!!! I loved meeting you and chatting with you. You are an amazing blogger and person as well. You were great to hang out with and I can't wait to work with you very soon!!!
If you haven't checked out either of these amazing blogs its a must!!! Trust me. Now lets check out a vid about Fandom Fest and being a first time Panelist!!!
Alright so that's what it was like to be a panelist! It was a blast and not as nerve wracking as I first thought.
Panels were so much fun to be on, its a great way to get your opinion on the topics and be heard! I loved talking about Requesting reviews properly. That is a big pet peeve of mine and it was fun to see how other bloggers opinions on the subject!

I also got to meet Julie Kagawa as well and I was so excited to meet her as well. I love her books and she signed my copy of The Immortal Rules. She was amazing in her Q and A and it was great hearing how she got started.
Then I got to meet all my Favorite Seventh Star Press authors as well!! I was so excited to meet all of them and was pretty much passed right down the line to each of them lol.
Here is a few more pictures I got as well!!
I have so many to share its crazy!!! (More pics will be shared on my page on FB) But I had a blast at Fandom Fest and still have one more vid to share with you if you want to watch. It's all about all the swag I got to giveaway to all of you. If you want to watch it is below!!!
Thanks everyone that was there at Fandom Fest for a great weekend. And to all the amazing authors that were there, you all rock!!! :)
If you would like to see more pictures from my weekend at Fandom Fest, check out my album on Facebook..
Thanks so much for checking out this post, I know it was a lot lol. But I must say one more time. I had a blast at Fandom Fest and Thanks to everyone that made my weekend and my first time at a Con one that I will never forget!!!
David M Brown · 663 weeks ago
Rachel · 663 weeks ago
what a great post. It was so fun to meet you and all the other panelists at FF. I hope we get to do it again some day soon. It was a lot of fun. Love your blog girl! :)