Yes its time for a Read-A-Thon!! This one is Once Upon a Read-a-Thon and it is hosted by Lori @ Pure Imagination, Angela @ Reading Angel, and Candace @ Candace's Book Blog.
. Once Upon a Read-a-Thon is only three days, from July 9th till July 11th.
This is the post where I will post up my goals for the three days and keep track of my progress each day.
My Goals:
- To read at least three books and start the fourth one
- To read during every moment of free time during all three days
Below you will find the books I plan to read…
· Cinder by Marrisa Meyer
· Wentworth Hall by Abby Graham
· Perilous Light by Alyssa Rose Ivy
· Reunited by Hilary Weisman Graham
My Progress:
Monday July 9th
Number of books I read: 1 1/2
Number of pages I read: 350
Total number of books I have read so far: 1 1/2
Todays progress: Bad =[ Good =] GREAT =D
(Finished Perilous Light and started Cinder)
(Finished Perilous Light and started Cinder)
Tuesday July 10th
Number of books I read: 0
Number of pages I read: 200
Total number of books I have read so far: 1
Todays progress: Bad =[ Good =] GREAT =D
Wednesday July 11th
Number of books I read: 0
Number of pages I read: 100
Total number of books I have read so far: 1 almost 2 :(
Todays progress: Bad =[ Good =] GREAT =D
shatterbooks 12p · 663 weeks ago