Friday, July 6, 2012

Spirit of Fire Tour: Stephen Zimmer talks Authors getting a Publisher

I am very excited to have Stephen Zimmer here on the blog today and I want to thank him for being here and agreeing to do this great vid for you all.  Today I will be showcasing his book Spirit of Fire and Stephen Zimmer author extraordinaire as well!! 

Deep Within Everyone, There is a Spirit of Fire...

A maelstrom of war engulfs lands resisting the designs of the Unifier to bring about a new order, of a kind that has never existed within Ave. Battered by a massive invasion force from Gallea, the tribal people of the Five Realms and their Midragardan allies are being driven eastward, towards the sea, while the Saxan lines are wearing down ever thinner on the Plains of Athelney.

Time is running out quickly, as an ancient creature of legend soars through the skies with a brave young Saxan. They carry the desperate hopes of two realms sorely beset by a voracious enemy.
Diabolic entities conduct a great hunt, as a malignant darkness deepens across all of Ave. Exiles from another world must gain refuge, or find themselves ensnared by the long reach of the Unifier. The very nature of creation itself stands in the balance.

It is a time when the honor and fortitude of many are put to the test, and terrible prices are paid for resisting great evils. It is also a time of awakening for many, old and young alike, some of whom may yet discover the spirit of fire that lies within.

The third installment in the Fires in Eden series, Spirit of Fire is richly imagined epic fantasy with a diverse ensemble of characters that offers a new world to explore for readers who enjoy large-scale tales along the likes of George R.R. Martin, Brandon Sanderson, Steven Erikson, and J.R.R. Tolkien.

As you all know, well you should if you read my blog at all, I love Seventh Star Press books and can't get enough of them.  The art work is extraordinary in each of them and this one does exactly that. I'm so excited to showcase some of the artwork on this post today.  This artwork is by the amazing Mathew Perry!

Isn't it amazing? Now I want to chat about Stephen Zimmer himself.  This incredible author is non stop and when I say nonstop I mean it! He took on a 48 date tour for this book plus Fandom Fest.  Which was amazing I must say.  Below you will find this incredible authors bio. 

Stephen Zimmer is an award-winning author and filmmaker, whose literary works include the epic urban fantasy series The Rising Dawn Saga, as well as the epic medieval fantasy Fires in Eden Series.

The Exodus Gate, Book One of the Rising Dawn Saga, was Stephen's debut novel. It was released in the spring of 2009, with The Storm Guardians following in 2010, and The Seventh Throne in August of 2011.

Crown of Vengeance, Book One of the Fires in Eden Series, was released in the fall of 2009, with Book Two, Dream of Legends, following in December of 2010. Crown of Vengeance received a 2010 Pluto Award for Best Novel in Small Press.

Stephen’s short fiction includes the Harvey and Solomon steampunk stories included in the Dreams of Steam and Dreams of Steam II: Bolts and Brass anthologies from Kerlak Publishing.

As a filmmaker, Stephen's film credits include the supernatural thriller feature Shadows Light, the horror short film The Sirens, and the recent Swordbearer, a medieval fantasy short film based upon the H. David Blalock novel Ascendant.

Further information on Stephen Zimmer can be found at:

Alright lets get to the great vlog Stephen made for this post!!! I'm really excited about this, I thought and then thought some more about the kind of vid I wanted for this post. Every time I came up with something, he had already done the vid for another blog.  LOL.  I mean how was I supposed to top him cooking Bacon for Kriss at Cabin Goddess? Seriously lol.

We wanted something different for my post so here is what we came up with... I hope you enjoy this great advice.

So what did you think of his incredible advice?? What is your favorite Epic Fantasy book and why is it your favorite? What did you think of the artwork? Do you enjoy amazing artwork like the ones above in the novels you read? 

 You all know that I love comments so comment away!

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Thanks for having me aboard Ali! You got a guest post written from me, a podcast visit, and a video now for the SoF tour...not too shabby! LOL
I really enjoyed this! Now I just need to apply some of Stephen's advice in my own life.

My favorite epic fantasy has got to be LOTR. I first read it when I was 16 and going through one of the darkest times in my life, so it was a perfect escape. The world Tolkien created is just beautiful. I also really enjoy Stephen's Fires in Eden series, and George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series.

I really like Matthew Perry's artwork! I think it's awesome when books include beautiful artwork.
Stephen, I must say your advice is also partially helpful for blogger like me. I have a daily job which is not a permanent 8 to five job and I have a family. That means time management is most important for e. But I'm not that good in time management and I have to improve. To stay in contact with authors, publisher, blogger and reades via mail and social media takes a lot of time. Not to forget that every review needs a book to be read before. I'm always bouncing within my own Bermuda triangle: Job - Family - Hobby (Books). Sometimes it is terrile to see how many reviews and other ideas disappear in the black hole in the middle of the triangle.
The most important thing for me is that it makes fun.

Ali, I did not have a single favorite epic fantasy book. I love series. And the Song of Ice and Fire is one of my favorite series.
rhave nothing to add.

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