Hello and welcome to Showcase Sunday. Inspired by Pop Culture Junkie and the Story Siren, the aim of Showcase Sunday is to highlight our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week. For more information about how this feature works and how to join in, click here.
This week was a pretty good week, I got a few kindle books and then I went to a great book signing at Joseph Beth Book Store, which has become my favorite book store now. Well I went to the one in Rookwood OH and got to meet the very funny Meg Cabot. She was amazing and I will be doing a post later all about it, but I got something other than my book and it signed by her.
That is a huge poster that will be framed and put on my wall, its signed and personalized as well. So very excited!!! Like I said Meg was so funny as she told us stories about how her books came to be.
Now lets look at the other books I got this past couple of weeks!!!
These three books are ebooks and I'm very excited to read them all. I bought Hourglass and Above then Angels Heart is for review!!!
I had a great past couple of weeks and even got some amazing swag to giveaway here on the blog. I'm part of C.L. Parkers amazing Street Team and she sent this great swag!!1
Happy Reading!!!
GREATreviewer 90p · 662 weeks ago
Hope you enjoy your reads!
Here's my STS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
margie · 662 weeks ago
Happy reading :)