This feature is hosted by the lovely Parajunkee and Alison Can Read! I love this feature because I get a chance to chat with other book bloggers and make new book loving friends. Mainly you answer the weeks question and then you have a chance to follow as many bloggers as you want. It's a win win meme really, you find new connections and they find you as well. Welcome to my blog all new followers!
This weeks question looks like a fun one to me so let's get to it!
This weeks Question:
Are you also a writer and what genre or did you ever consider writing?
So yes, I do write. I'm actually working on my first Young Adult fantasy novel right now. Sorry I wont tell you what it's about yet, mainly because the way the world works, there are crazy people out there that like to take other people's ideas, so yeah. I've been writing pretty much my whole life, making up stories is something I do to relax and writing is something that I love. I write on average a thousand words per day, but if I'm on a roll it does tend to go toward the three thousand mark.
This was a great question. Thanks!!!
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