This feature is hosted by the lovely Parajunkee and Alison Can Read! I love this feature because I get a chance to chat with other book bloggers and make new book loving friends. Mainly you answer the weeks question and then you have a chance to follow as many bloggers as you want. It's a win win meme really, you find new connections and they find you as well. Welcome to my blog all new followers!
This weeks question looks like a fun one to me so let's get to it!
Blogger pet peeves?
So I think my biggest blogger pet peeve has to do with formatting, sometimes I can't get my formatting correctly and I will play around with it for awhile till I get it right. It drives me insane sometimes. Like on my Sunday posts, it's hard to get my wording to line up with my images and I could pull out my hair sometimes. I also had a huge problem yesterday, every time I scheduled a post to go live, then I would find something that needed to be fixed, it would revert to draft even when I pushed publish. I was literately yelling at my computer.
Aditi · 548 weeks ago
Great post and blog- just followed via BlogLovin and I hope you can visit mine!
ailynk 15p · 548 weeks ago